Page 58 of Cop Blocked

The look on Logan’s face is priceless. “I sure as hell hope we are.”

“Take a breath, big guy,” I smirk. “I’ll gladly be your girlfriend.”

“My girlfriend, huh?” He steals another kiss. “I like the sound of that.”

“Annnnnd, now I feel horrible that my three-year-old cockblocked you again tonight.” I can’t help but giggle.

Logan huffs. “Real funny.”

A brief silence falls between us as Logan holds me in his arms.

“So, two weeks?”

“Two weeks. I might have a chance to call or text. But, sometimes when we’re training - it’s radio silence. I won’t have a clue until we get there.”

“We’ll make it work. Who’s going to take care of the kittens while you’re gone?”

“Cody’s going to crash at my place for two weeks. Keep an eye on the little guys.” He kisses my forehead. “I’ll call you the moment I get back.”

“You damn well better, Marine.”

“Oh, it’s Marine now?”

I shrug, “I figured it was appropriate.”

“I think I might miss you.”

With another playful slap, I push him toward the door. “I hate to see ya go, but I love to watch you leave. Now really, go. Because the longer you stand here, the harder this is.”

Logan shakes his hand with a smile. “Toodles, pretty girl.”

I open the front door and watch Logan walk out onto the porch.

“I’m waiting here until you lock it.” He turns back around.

I run out and give him one more kiss before closing the door and locking it behind me. From the front window, I watch as he drives away.



“Piper, knock first!” I warn my little ball of energy who is running up the steps to Logan’s front door on a mission.

“Mommy! I don’t have ta!” She stops on a dime and turns to face me with her hands on her hips.

Logan’s laughter erupts from the doorway. “I wonder where she gets that attitude from?”

“Logan!” Piper spins around and launches herself into his arms.

“Piper!” He squeezes her in a hug while she giggles.

“Tell her I don’t have ta knock!” She points over her shoulder at me while I dare Logan with one look to undermine me.

“Hey.” He stoops down and holds her at arm’s length. “Mommy makes the rules. You have to listen to her.”

She stomps and pouts, and I can see the smirk playing on Logan’s face. He is so screwed when it comes to her. For a guy that still swears he isn’t cut out for parenthood, he manages it well. Mostly. Except for when Piper is trying to get her way.

“Piper Chloe, do you need a time out?” I ask her, joining them on the porch.