Page 49 of Cop Blocked

“Better be careful there, Playboy. It’s contagious.” Smitty smirks knowingly.

“Fu----dge.”I catch myself before I drop an F-bomb in front of the kid.

“I want fudge!” Piper wiggles in my arms and smacks both hands on my face. “You have candy? I have candy!”

Setting her feet back on the ground, I pat her head. “I think that’s a question for Mommy.”

Smitty doubles over in laughter. “Good one, Walsh.”

I check to make sure Piper is out of earshot. “Fuck you, man. Weren’t you the one who didn’t want this to happen at the beginning of summer?”

“Touché.” Smitty nods. “You got me there, but you’re proving me wrong.”

“Glad you finally changed your tune. Otherwise, you’d be missing out,” I joke, half-heartedly. It would really suck for there to be tension between us at work, and he wouldn’t be hanging out at my house now.

“Took your allergy meds today, Big Brother?” Ryker walks up and smacks me on the shoulder.

“Fuck all of you assholes.” I can’t help but snicker.

“Steaks are done. Let’s eat.” Ryker hits me on the back again. “Come on; I’ll get you a beer too. You’re going to need it.”

Everyone takes a seat and starts passing around the food. We’re all laughing and having a good time. I’m caught up in my thoughts, thinking about how long I’ve known these guys and how far they’ve all come since I moved here when little Piper speaks up.

“I have an announcement!”

Rachel tries to negotiate with the tiny human, desperately trying to convince her that she doesn’t need to make an announcement, but Piper persists.

“This is important!” The little spit-fire demands.

“Ah, let her speak,” Smitty encourages, ignoring the death glare from Rachel.

“I’m losing this one.” she leans over to me and whispers. “I have a feeling I’m going to want to hide.”

Piper stands up in her chair and clears her throat. “MY MOMMY WEARED HER PRETTY PANTIES, FOR LOGAN! BECAUSE SHE LIKES HIM!”

“Piper Chloe!” Rachel smacks a hand to her forehead before hanging her head and trying to hide behind curtains of her dark hair.

Fighting back the urge to burst out in laughter, I try my hand at negotiations. “Hey, Piper girl, thank you for sharing that, with everyone. Now, can you sit in your chair for me? Please?” I plead, relieved when she obliges.

Everyone else is so busy cracking up that they miss Piper elaborating and sharing what color Rachel’s chosen for today as well. Tucking Rachel under my shoulder, I pull her close, kissing the top of her head before whispering in her ear, “Don’t worry, she already told me how you really feel about me earlier. But did you wear pretty panties just for me?”

Rachel pinches my side and groans. “I swear. I guess this is what happens when my ‘best friend’ is a three-year-old.”

Piper has returned to eating her food as if she didn’t just share the world’s secrets with everyone at the table. I’m still not sure if Rachel will make a full recovery.

“I’m using that in my next book.” Zoey tries to catch her breath. “I’ll dedicate it to Piper.”

Rachel’s head snaps up, and she sends her friend a warning glare. “Don’t you dare.”

I groan. “No writing books about us.” Then for good measure, I add, “I wouldn’t want Smitty getting jealous.”

Eventually, everyone calms down, and small talk returns.

By the time the sun is setting, we’ve all finished eating and are enjoying the view as everyone’s kids run wild in my backyard. The women leave us for a little bit, insisting they’ll clean up - even though Ryker and I both tell them we’ll get it.

“I think we’re going to head out,” Rhys says when Kelsey finally returns. “Thanks for having us over.”

I shake his hand and hug Kelsey. Everyone else is gathering their broods, and Ryker has disappeared inside the house. Now, I’m looking forward to a few minutes alone with Rachel, and Piper, whose eyes are drooping.