Page 50 of Cop Blocked

Rhys’ oldest proudly jumps up after putting his shoes on and informs everyone that they’re going out for ice cream. Which has Piper immediately perking up and screaming that she’ll be having ice cream too.

“Piper,” Rachel starts.

“Yeah,” Zoey nudges Rachel before she can finish. “Let us take her for ice cream with everyone. We can bring her back after.”

“Oh, you don’t…”

“Rach, it’s cool. Seriously. What’s one more? It’ll give you some alone time with Logan.” Zoey winks.

“What if I wanted ice cream?” Rachel pretends to pout.

Sneaking up behind her, I slip my hands around her waist and whisper, “I have ice cream, I’d be happy to feed you.”

Rachel quickly grabs Piper’s shoes while I try to hide the shit-eating grin on my face. “On second thought…Piper, do you want to go get ice cream with Zoey and Dylan?”

The house is quiet as the door clicks shut behind Smitty a few minutes later.

I take a deep breath and excuse myself long enough to take out the trash while I decide on my next move. Knowing we’ll be alone, I’m oddly off-kilter. Anxious, but in an excited way. Rachel takes the opportunity to look around the living room, checking out some of the pictures on the mantle then joins me in the kitchen.

Our moment of peace is short-lived when Ryker emerges from the guest bedroom as I come back inside and start washing my hands at the sink. He’s freshly showered and dressed to impress. “Well, love birds, I’ve certainly enjoyed today’s entertainment, but I have a date.”

“Better hurry or you won’t be able to walk out the door when I kick you in the nuts for being a pain in my ass,” I call over my shoulder while drying off my hands.

Taking Rachel’s hand in mine, I brush past my brother, leading us back to the living room.

“Oh, stop.” Rachel shakes her head and turns her attention to Ryker. “Who’s the lucky lady?”

“Ah, ah, ah, I don’t kiss and tell.” He smiles coyly and wraps Rachel in a hug, eliciting a growl from me. “Christ, it’s fun to ruffle his feathers. It was nice meeting you, pretty girl. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” The cocky fucker pokes.

I playfully lunge at him, and Rachel quickly slides between us and puts her hands on my chest. “Behave,” she hisses at me.

“Toodles, motherfucker.” Ryker chuckles and waves on his way out the door.

“Mmm. Now that my little brother is out of the way, what should we get into?” I wrap Rachel up in my arms.

“I can think of plenty of things we could do.” She traces her finger down my chest, stopping at my belt buckle.

“I thought we could cuddle and watch a movie together,” I tease, holding onto her wrist, preventing her from moving any further south.

“You’re a terrible liar. Terrible. I know what you are up to,” she calls my bluff.

“Well, by all means, please tell me- in explicit detail- what exactly do you think I was up to?”

“At a minimum, Netflix and Chill.” She quirks a brow and gazes at me, challenging me to deny my intentions. “Though something tells me, you want to see what I’ve got on underneath all this.”

“Do you want to Netflix and Chill?” I nip at her ear and kiss her neck before lifting her and wrapping her arms around my waist.

“Tempting. Very tempting.” She arches her back ever so slightly, creating friction between us. I take that as my cue to keep moving.

“You need to tell me right now if you want me to stop because once I walk in that room, you’re mine.” I’ve waited far too long to finally have her all to myself like this.

“Ohhh,” she moans. “I’m all yours.”

My bedroom door slams shut behind us, and I pin her body against it, and my lips are on her. “You’re so right. What I want to do is uncover these pretty panties you wore, just for me.”

Not wasting a beat, Rachel reaches between us, tearing her t-shirt over her head and revealing a peach lace bra that looks divine against her lightly tanned skin.

“Christ, you’re fucking gorgeous,” I groan, biting the top of her chest that is nearly spilling out of the cups. “I want to worship every...inch...of...your...body.” I punctuate each word with more attention to Rachel’s curves, nipping, licking, sucking on every inch of her exposed skin, all while moving us over to my bed.