Page 4 of Cop Blocked

“I have an idea.”

Of course, she does, I groan to myself. “I’m probably going to say no to whatever you’re suggesting. I can feel it.”

“You should go out on a double date with Frank and me. That way, I can vet this guy out.”

“Yeah, that’s a no. Hard no.” I can only imagine how a double date would go down with Tori and her flavor of the week. “I don’t need you questioning Logan and scaring the guy off. Besides, he may not even call.”

“Don’t wait for him to call. You call him, duh!”

That may work for some people, but I am not about to call someone I just met. If he’s interested, I’ll wait for him to make the first move.

“I’m good. And we need to get back to work,” I remind her after checking the clock.

Lunchtime is officially over.

Six more hours stand between me and my weekend off.

Tossing my trash, I check my phone one more time as I walk back to the NICU, and this time, I’m surprised to see I’ve got one new message waiting - from Logan.

Logan: Hi. Thanks again for keeping me company last night. I enjoyed getting to know you a little bit. I hope your day is going well so far. Big plans for the weekend?

I have a few seconds and contemplate my reply, but then the NICU phone in my pocket rings, diverting my attention.

“This is Rachel,” I answer immediately.

“Rachel, we’ve got a delivery. Emergency c-section. OR 1.” The Neonatologist in charge lets me know that she and Allie, the second nurse are on their way down.

Already in motion, I let her know I’m on my way as the door to the stairwell slams shut behind me.

Adrenaline kicks in as I run down the two flights of steps to Labor and Delivery. I’ve beat Dr. Malone by a minute. I’m scrubbing in as she rushes in with Allie and begins doing the same.

When we step into the operating room, the OB is already cutting the mom-to-be open. He begins filling us in on the situation as we quickly prep the warmer and make sure we have everything we need to help the tiny baby that is coming into this world too soon.

It doesn’t take long before the newborn is in the hands of Dr. Malone. Two pounds, one ounce - there are no cries coming from the little boy. Quickly we intubate and get oxygen flowing to help him breathe. Once he’s stable enough to be moved, we place him inside the warm incubator and wheel him over to his mom. A quick hello and goodbye before we whisk him up to the NICU where they’re waiting for us.

Like always, my heart aches for the mom left behind there on the operating table, unaware of what’s going on with her baby and whether the child will make it or not. I used that fear and anxiety to motivate me to do the best I can to care for the little guy as we get him admitted to the unit and stabilized. Lines and IVs are being placed, and machines are being hooked up all around him. At just twenty-seven weeks gestation, this little guy is going to be with us for a while, and he’ll need all the help he can get from us to survive.

I spend the rest of my shift working on the newest addition. Happy and relieved to see Mom’s first visit with her son on the way from the recovery room to her post-partum suite where she’ll be for the next few days before she’s discharged. Though her little guy - who she tells us is named Jordan, is tiny, he’s already proving to be fierce and is doing as well as can be expected for his first few hours of life.

I’m a half-hour late leaving work after giving my shift report to the next nurse on shift and finishing my charting, but it’s worth it, and I’m once again reminded why I chose to become a NICU nurse.

* * *

Dropping my towel in the hamper, I don’t even bother with clothes. Instead, I climb right into my bed, determined to get a few hours of rest before Piper wakes me bright and early for our usual Mommy/Daughter Saturday Breakfast. I’m just about to close my eyes when I remember the long-forgotten text message from earlier today.

I debate replying now, but when I notice it’s not quite nine-thirty at night, on Friday, nonetheless, I figure, it’s better than nothing.

Me: So sorry about the delayed response. Work was insane today, and I didn’t have a moment to reply. Hopefully, it’s not too late, and I didn’t wake you. I enjoyed our dinner conversation, as well.

In less than two minutes, Logan replies.

Logan: Not too late at all. Still awake, flipping aimlessly through the tv, trying to find something to watch.

Me: Do you have Netflix? You should watch Lucifer. It’s pretty good.

Logan: You know…I’ve got a friend who keeps telling me I need to watch it too. Maybe I’ll give it a try.

Me: Do it! I’ve just started the second season, catch up, and then we can discuss!