Page 5 of Cop Blocked

What the hell am I thinking? I laugh to myself.

Logan: Okay, you win. Season 1, Episode 1. I’m going in.

Me: Great. You watch, I’m going to sleep for now. Early morning ahead.

Logan: Sleep well.



“You alright, man? You look like you’ve lost your puppy or something.” Rhys kicks my foot under the table.

I hate to admit it, but I’ve been checking my phone waiting for some kind of reply from Rachel since my last message. It’s stupid. I know she’s working today. Yet, I’m anxious to hear from her again. I sent her a good morning text with a cute kitten meme but haven’t heard back. Hell, I planned to ask her out this weekend when she replied.

“Nah, I’m good,” I answer as Ava, our favorite waitress at the diner, slides our food onto the table.

“Can I get you fellas anything else?”

Rhys looks at me, I shake my head, and he nods to Ava. “I’ll take a refill on coffee. Other than that, we’re all set.”

She smiles and walks away to retrieve more coffee for Rhys.

I still remember coming here for the first time with the guys and how Smitty was laughing so hard he could barely breathe as he recounted the story about when Ava was just starting and fangirled over Rhys’ face on a book cover. Shit seems like ages ago now when, in reality, it's only been a few years. Now, Ava waits on us every time we come in if she’s working. And she knows Rhys’ wife and kids too.

“I know that look. And I know exactly what you’re thinking. Don’t laugh.” Rhys cracks a smile. “I’m so glad those days are mostly behind me.”

“That’s not what I heard. Smitty said something about, Topher is still selling photos of you from his stockpile,” I tease.

Rhys shakes his head. “Stockpile. Psh. Uhm. No.”

“Wait. You didn’t?” I can tell by his voice that something is up.

“Kelsey had a few of her author friends reach out about a custom cover they wanted my picture on. For charity. I agreed, and once Topher and I got together, he asked how I felt about taking a few more shots and seeing what happened. Apparently, people aren’t tired of me yet.”

I can’t fight the laughter. “Oh, that’s hilarious. Must be your baby face and dad bod that gets them going.”

“Fuck you. Dad bod. Yeah, right.” Rhys rolls his eyes. “More like, I’m a dad now and still have a hot bod.”

“Shut up. That was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth. Which is saying a lot.”

Rhys throws a napkin at me and flicks me the finger. “Asshole.”

I’ve just about finished my breakfast before our shift officially starts when the radio cracks to life. “24385, we’ve got a call for you.”

There’s a playful hint to the dispatcher’s voice.

“24385, go ahead.”

“1995 Rob Way. Caller reports there is a suspicious sound coming from her backyard.”

Across the table, Rhys chuckles.

“10-4. Enroute, ETA five minutes.” Standing from the booth, I pull out my wallet and toss a twenty on the table. “Guess I’m going to see what Miss Beasley’s up to.”

Rhys wipes tears of laughter from his eyes. “Oh man, that old lady sure does love you.”

“Don’t be jealous. See ya around,” I call over my shoulder and make my way back to the patrol car.