Everything is ready.
I’ve driven myself batty. I’ve double- and triple-checked everything until there’s nothing left for me to do. I’ve paced around the party, made sure everyone knows where they’re supposed to be and when, and I’ve talked until I’m all peopled out. I had to escape, and even though I should feel guilty about it, I don’t.
I lean back on the swing, slowly rocking back and forth. The only light here in the courtyard are the tiki lights that have been set up and the light from the flames in the stone fireplace.
I lean my head back and look up at the starry sky.I did it.
The sense of accomplishment I feel is like nothing I’ve felt before. It just proves that doing this, the social media, the planning and coordinating, is exactly what I should be doing. I love my job, and I can’t screw it up.
A door opens, and I hear the noise from inside before it shuts again. I tense in my seat, hoping it’s not Elana with our “dates.”
Curiosity gets the better of me, and I turn in my seat. The man walking toward me hasn’t spotted me yet, and I suck in a breath as I look at his broad shoulders, long beard, and dark hairthat is longer than most. I’ve never seen him before. I tried to read up on everyone that I knew would be in attendance tonight, and I definitely don’t recall him. Could he be the “date” that Elana has set me up on? My hopes go up for all of two seconds before I squash them. No way that is him. Elana is always trying to set me up, and it’s usually with men that are too put-together, a little snooty, and definitely wouldn’t be caught with facial hair. Not that length, anyway.
“Hey,” I call out in the semi darkness so I don’t spook him.
He doesn’t jump or even slow down. His head turns, and when his eyes find me, I’m wondering if maybe he did know I was here the whole time. “Hey. Sorry to interrupt you, but I needed a breather.”
His voice is deep and raspy. It’s almost like he doesn’t use it often. I shrug and turn back in my seat. I have to in order to force myself to stop staring at him. “Me too.”
He stops next to me and crosses his arms over his chest. “You don’t like crowds?”
I shrug, with my eyes on the fire. “They don’t usually bother me, but it’s been a crazy day. I just wanted to soak all this in for a minute.”
He looks around. “This is nice out here.”
I nod. “It really is. It’s even better during the day. The view of Moonshine Mountain is like nothing you’ve ever seen before. I would literally sit out here all day if I could.”
“So you’ve been here before.”
I hold back my smile. “A few times.” I look at him standing awkwardly beside me. There are other chairs surrounding the fire, but the swing is by far the best seat and the closest to the fire. I put my toe down to stop the slow movements. “You want to sit down?”
His eyes round, but he nods his head. He grumbles as he takes off his jacket and throws it on the back of a chair beforesettling next to me. He slowly starts to rock back and forth, and I watch as he rolls his sleeves up. His forearms are thick and corded, and I watch his muscles flex as he moves to the other arm. Both arms are covered in ink, but I can’t make it out in the semi-darkness.
I barely resist waving my hand in front of my face to cool off. Dang, who is this guy? It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask him when he turns in his seat and faces me, putting his arm along the back of the swing. “So you like the mountains?”
I point toward the space out in front of us. “I love those mountains. I mean, I’m sure you’ve seen them. They’re beautiful.”
He pulls at his collar. “Do you go there much? Hiking or anything?”
I shake my head. “No, I’m not much of a hiker.”
We both start at the same time, and I laugh. “You go ahead.”
“No way. Ladies first.”
I turn in my seat as much as I can, but it’s impossible to do unless I want to flash him my underwear. I reach for the hem of my skirt and hold it down as I lift one leg on the swing and cross my other leg over it until we’re facing each other. “Do I know you? I’m pretty sure I know everyone that was on the list, but I don’t remember you.”
He eyes me thoughtfully as he strokes his hand through his beard. “What? Is that your way of saying I don’t fit in here?”
My mouth drops, and I can feel the heat rise on my face. “I wasn’t saying that at all. Oh my gosh, no. You’re perfect… I mean… you could fit in anywhere… I mean… you sort of stand out.” I slam my mouth shut and put my hand to my head. “Shut up, Maggie.”
I start to mumble through my embarrassment, and he laughs. It’s a deep chuckle, and I bring my head up. “Are you laughing at me?”