He nods. “Yeah, you’re cute.”
I blanch. “Cute? Uh, thanks… I think.”
Truth is, he’s older than me. That much I can tell. And to him, I’m probably some blubbering kid. “I better get back in there,” I tell him, even though I remain in my spot.
“Are you the party planner?”
I shrug. “Something like that.”
He tilts his head to the side and looks at me. “What’s that look?”
What do I tell him? I can’t say that I’m attracted to him and thought we were maybe getting to know each other and I'm a little disappointed because obviously he thinks I’m a “cute” kid. Heck, he probably thinks I’m here with my parents. No way he’ll believe I helped plan this event. He needed a breather, and I just happened to be in the right spot. No. I can’t say any of that. Instead, I stall. “What look? You just met me. You don’t know if I’m giving a look or not.”
His hand comes off the back of the swing, and he brushes my hair off my face and behind my shoulder. I lean toward him and catch myself before I do something stupid.
He’s watching me closely, and I can’t take my eyes off his. “I may have just met you, but I know your name is Maggie. That’s what you just called yourself, anyway. And I saw the shift in you. You seemed happy… almost content. And then I tell you you’re cute, and you freeze up on me. Was that too forward?” He holds his hands up, palms facing me. “I can keep my hands to myself.”
I almost blow him off and tell him he’s imagining things, but where has being safe ever gotten me? Nowhere. I just met him, and most likely, I’ll never see him again. “You’re right… geez, I don’t even know your name.”
He hesitates for just a minute. “Ben.”
I try to remember the name Ben from the list of people that bought tickets for tonight, and I don’t remember anyone. Could he be someone’s plus one? I keep my tone light. “Okay, well, Ben, you’re right. There was a shift in me. I’m always the cute one.” Oh God, that sounds so conceited. But I force myself to continue. “No one ever sees me as anything more than the ‘cute’ friend. I mean, just once, I want someone to find me irresistible. That’s all. And yeah, we just met, but maybe I was hoping…”
I let my voice trail off. Geez, what is wrong with me? I’m practically begging this man to want me, and I know nothing about him. I unfold my legs and stand up. “I better get back in there. It was nice meeting you, Ben.”
I don’t want to leave. If anything, I want to stay and listen to his deep voice as he talks about anything and nothing. But I have work to do, and I can’t do it from out here. I wave awkwardly at him and turn away with fists clenched at my sides. Walking away from him doesn’t feel right, but what choice do I have?
“Stop,” I tell her as I jump up from the swing. “Please, don’t go.”
She stops, but her back is still to me.
I don’t know what I’m doing. She’s the first woman that I’ve been attracted to in what feels like forever, and I don’t want to let her walk away. I take the few steps between us and reach for her hand, lacing our fingers together. She’s slight compared to me, but somehow our hands fit together perfectly.
“Look at me, Maggie.”
She turns around and leans her head back to meet my eyes. “I really should go.”
I pull her hand, and she falls against me, her body pressed against mine. “Stay. There’s something I should tell you.”
Her eyes widen, and her breath hitches. I try to tamp down my arousal, but being this close to her and feeling her body next to mine is proving more than I can handle. How is it that I just met her and I can’t let her walk away? “So you didn’t like it that I said you are cute?”
She shrugs, and the movement has her hair falling forward, hiding her eyes from me. I brush it off her face and put myhand on her cheek. “I only said you were cute, but the truth is, I think you’re beautiful. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
She leans toward me but doesn’t say anything.
“Talk to me, Maggie. Tell me if you want me to walk away.”
She shakes her head slowly. “No, I don’t. I want…”
She stops, and I hold my breath, waiting for her to finish. She licks her lips and stares at me with wide, innocent eyes. I lean down until our mouths are mere inches from each other. “What do you want? Tell me.”
I’m holding her too tightly, but I can’t let her go. She goes to her tiptoes, and her voice is soft as a whisper. “I want you to kiss me.”
I release her hand and cup her face in my palm, searching her eyes. When I was getting ready for tonight, I was filled with dread and tried to figure out how I could get out of it. Now, all I can do is feel thankful that I’m here because I would have hated to have missed this. I lean down before I can consider all the reasons why kissing her is a bad idea.