“I love you.”

Her smile is soft. “I love you, too.”

It’s not enough, though. I lean down and kiss her forehead. “You’re mine, now, Sassy. Forever.”

She lays her head on my chest. Her eyes have closed, but she’s smiling. “Forever... I like the sound of that.”



Three Months Later

My wife left early this morning, and by midafternoon, I’d had enough. I’m used to having her by my side either here or at her dad’s ranch, so when she isn’t home by midafternoon, I decide to go looking for her.

I drive over to her dad’s ranch and take it all in as I pull up the driveway. There’s been a lot of changes in the last three months. Everything she wanted to do for her dad, we’ve done together. His ranch is striving again and making money. But probably the best thing is that we finally convinced him to go see a specialist in Jasper. He’s doing better, or at least having more good days than bad, and that makes Sassy happy. When Sassy’s happy, I’m happy. That’s all there is to it.

When I pull my truck up next to the house, I see Sassy and Amos sitting on the porch. They both smile and wave at me. “There’s my son-in-law. I wondered how long it would take you to come looking for her.”

I laugh at Amos. I had worried when we told him that we were married. He of course doesn’t know any of the details aboutthe auction or anything like that, but I still thought he would not be happy with our age difference and everything. But he surprised me. He was pretty happy to find out that he had a son-in-law and that son-in-law was me. I walk up the porch and sit next to my pretty wife, who is sipping on a sweet tea. “You know I can’t stay away from her long. I was missing her for sure.”

He nods his head. We talk about the ranch and the order of supplies that was delivered today. The whole time, I’m thinking I can’t wait to get my wife back home and in our bed.

Amos stands up. “Well, I’m going to go out to the barn and see how Frank’s doing with the inoculations. I’ll catch you two later.”

Sassy stops him before he gets off the porch. “Dad, we’re going to head home soon, but I thought maybe one night this week we can get together for dinner. You up for it?”

He puts his hand to his stomach and looks at Sassy. “You cooking or Tina cooking?”

“Har, har,” she says jokingly. “Keep it up, and I’ll tell Tina to stop making your favorite apple pie.”

His mouth falls open, and he holds his hands up. “No, don’t do that. You name the day and time, and I’ll be there.”

She laughs. “That’s better. Love you, Dad.”

He looks at Sassy and me and walks over to us. He kisses his daughter on the top of the head. “Love you too, Sassy.” With a grip on my shoulder, he says, “Love you too, son. Thanks for making my girl so happy.”

I’m speechless as he walks off the porch and to the barn. Sassy pokes me in the ribs. “You okay?”

I look at her. “Uh, did your dad just tell me he loved me?”

She nods, searching my face. “He did. It’s been a good day.”

I gather her in my arms and pull her onto my lap. “Well, I’m glad you’ve had a good day. Mine hasn’t been the best.”

She puts her hands on my shoulders and looks at me worriedly. “Oh no, Cole. What happened? Are you okay?”

I shrug. “I missed you, that’s all.”

She pulls back, surprised. “You missed me? I figured you were getting sick of me at this point. I thought I needed to give you a break from me following you around on your ranch.”

I shake my head. “Nope. I like having you with me. It’s weird when you’re not there... You’ve made it a home, Sassy. It’s not the same without you.”

She smiles and curls into my lap. It seems that neither one of us is in a hurry to move. I’m content to stay right here as long as I’m holding my wife.

She sighs contently. “There’s something I should tell you.”

I run my fingers through the soft strands of her hair. “What’s that?”