This is just going to be enough to tide her over for the big event. I suck her swollen nub into my mouth, twirling my tongue around it. She’s trembling beneath me. I’ve already given in to the fact that I’m going to come in my pants. There won’t be any stopping it. I’m pounding my hips into the edge of the couch. The louder she gets, the more intensely I give it to her.
Her hand goes to the back of my head, holding me to her. “Don’t stop. Fuck, don’t stop.”
I don’t want to take my mouth off her, so I shake my head, and that intensifies her pleasure. My sweet Nikki starts cursing as the orgasm rolls through her. I’m close, but I don’t care. I’m not stopping until she’s completely come undone.
“Yes!!!!” she screams as her whole body flexes.
I watch the pleasure roll through her and fall even more in love with her. Nicole and I are meant to be together. We couldn’t be more different, but she’s my other half. I haven’t looked at another woman since the first day I saw her, and I know it’s going to be that way forever. From that moment on, every decision I’ve made has been to bring us closer together.
I was offered a D1 scholarship for football when I graduated high school, and I turned it down. I liked playing football but not enough to leave her.
Instead, I went straight into the family business. My family owns the biggest real estate development company on the East Coast. I’ve worked there since high school, and my father has groomed me to take over the family business one day. Working there has let me learn the business side, but my father understands my need to go and work outdoors, so I also get to put in some hard labor when I’m feeling it.
I’m drawn from my thoughts when Nikki is tugging on my arms. I let her draw me up to her, and I smile down at her satisfied face. “I can’t wait until we’re married and I get to do this anytime I want.”
She leans up and kisses me. “So this time next week...”
Her voice trails off, and I think to what will be going on this time next week. It will be two days after she agrees to be mine. “We’ll be on our honeymoon, and you’ll probably be pregnant.”
Her eyes get big and are sparkling back at me. “What is this obsession with you wanting to get me pregnant?”
My heart is racing in my chest. I don’t know how I can explain my desire to breed her, but I know that this uneasyfeeling that something is about to happen won’t settle until I know she’s mine and mine forever. I let out a whoosh of air. “Because I won’t stop until you’re all mine.”
The last week Ethan has made sure we haven’t been alone again, and I know exactly why. For whatever reason, he’s holding on to the idea that we should wait until marriage, and I can’t be upset about it. Sexually frustrated for sure, but not mad.
I open my phone and read the text again that he sent me this morning.I love you, Nicole Watson and I can’t wait for you to be my wife. I feel like I’ve waited for you my whole life and finally all my dreams are coming true. I promise to love you forever. I’ll see you tonight at the rehearsal. Xo, Ethan
I let out a loud sigh and put my phone back into my pocket. I’m ready for tomorrow. Heck, I’m more than ready. I have everything in boxes, and the movers are going to move all of my things to his house while we’re on our honeymoon.
I’m ready for the rehearsal dinner already, even though Ethan’s not supposed to be here for another hour. I’ve wanted this for so long, and I can’t believe that tomorrow I’m going to be Mrs. Ethan Cannon.
As I tape up the very last box, the doorbell rings. I smile instantly, wondering if it’s Ethan arriving early. I practically rundown the stairs and swing the front door open with a huge smile on my face. It drops a little when I find Ethan’s brother on the other side instead of him.
“Bobby. What are you doing here?”
He wipes his hand across his face and sucks in a deep breath. “Nicole...” he starts, and there’s so much emotion in his voice, but he stops talking, his face scrunched up in pain.
Something’s not right.
I grab on to the edge of the door. “What is it? What’s wrong? Where’s Ethan?”
I get louder the more I look at him, trying to figure out why he’s staring at me the way he is. I stomp my foot and move toward him. “Bobby! What is it?”
He reaches for me, and I back up. It’s bad. I know it’s bad, and I’m scared to death at what’s going to come out of his mouth right now. “What. Is. It?” I ask him through gritted teeth.
“It’s Ethan. It’s bad, honey. I’m going to take you to the hospital.”
I clench my eyes closed and open them. “What happened? Is he okay?”
When Bobby doesn’t answer me right away, I ask him again with my feet firmly planted where I’m standing. “Is. He. Alive?”
He lifts his shoulders in a shrug. I can’t stand seeing the look on his face. “Yes, Nicole. He’s alive, but...”
I shake my head and all but push him out the door. “He’s alive. That’s all I need to know. Let’s go.”