My mom is at work, so I shut the door behind me and run to Bobby’s car parked in the driveway. We’re silent on the way to the hospital. I have a thousand questions, but I don’t ask any of them. All that matters to me is that Ethan’s alive, and I know we can deal with whatever else.
When we get to the hospital emergency room, I ask to see Ethan Cannon. I’ve learned that when you mention the Cannonname, people take notice. I’m sure it has to do with the wealth of the family, but that’s never mattered to me before now. Damn, I hope his family’s name is getting him the best treatment possible.
The nurse looks at me and then Bobby. “I’m sorry, but until we get him settled, he’s unable to see visitors.”
I’m about to go across the small desk when I hear Ethan’s father call my name from behind me. I run to him, and when he opens his arms, I step into them, and he wraps me up in a hug. He’s holding me so tightly, but I don’t care. The man has never been one to show a lot of emotion, so he obviously needs this as much as I do.
“Ethan’s been saying your name ever since I got here.”
I pull back. “Take me to him.”
He winces and looks over my head at Bobby. “Did you tell her?”
I pull out of Mr. Cannon’s arms. “Tell me what?”
When Bobby shakes his head, Mr. Cannon shoves his hand through his hair, making it go every which way. I’ve never seen him not put together, and the sight has me even more on edge. If he’s worried, then it’s bad. He grabs on to my upper arms. “He was at one of the developments across town. I’d asked him to check it out. He’s been pacing all day, excited about tomorrow, and I thought I’d give him something to pass the time.”
He stops talking, and I don’t dare move because I want him to continue. “And?”
He chokes on the words as he says it. “And there was a fire at one of the units. A kid was trapped, and Ethan went in after him.”
I search his face, and he’s holding back something. “And he got hurt? Smoke inhalation? What happened?”
His grip tightens on my arms. “He was burned pretty badly... on his face and the left side of his body.”
“But he’ll live?” I insist.
Mr. Cannon nods. “Yes, he’ll live. He’ll be in pain for a while, and they will have to do some skin grafts.”
I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. He’s going to live. I know Bobby said it, but now that his dad is reiterating it then I’m finally coming to terms with it. “Are they giving him anything for the pain?”
He nods. “Yes. He’s pretty out of it, but he’s still saying your name.”
I grab on to the lapel of Mr. Cannon’s jacket. “Please get me back there with him. Please?”
He nods and grabs my hand, walking through the double doors to the back of the hospital. He strides past the nurses and doctors. They all watch us, but none of them say a thing to him. I’m sure Mr. Cannon donated a wing of the hospital or money for some big machine or something at some point, so not many people are going to stand in his way.
He stops outside a room and looks down at me. “It’s bad, Nicole. Really bad. He doesn’t look?—"
I shake my head and step out of his grip. “I don’t care how he looks, Mr. Cannon. All I care about is that he’s going to be okay. The rest of it doesn’t matter to me.”
His shoulders slump as if he’s been carrying some big huge weight, and it’s been magically lifted from his shoulders. I reach for the door handle and turn the knob. I thought I was ready, but when I look in the room and see Ethan lying on the bed, I suck in a breath. He’s hooked up to numerous machines and IVs. There’s gauze covering a lot of his body, but a lot is uncovered, and the charred skin along his neck and side of his face has me wrapping my arms around myself. I can’t imagine the pain he must be feeling.
Mr. Cannon leans down and whispers to me, “He’s on a lot of pain medication, and the doctor said he’s had some nerve damage, so he’s not feeling all the effects of the burn.”
I nod and take a step forward, but Mr. Cannon puts his hand on my shoulder and holds me back. “Honey, there’s too much risk of infection. We can’t go any closer.”
It’s then I take in the surroundings and notice the bubble surrounding him. I’m this close to falling apart, and I need Ethan to know I’m here. “Ethan.”
I say his name loudly across the room. His eyes slowly open, and he says my name.
I smile at him, wanting to reassure him. “I’m here, honey. I’m here. You’re going to be okay.”
He opens his mouth, and I can’t make out what he’s saying. I shake my head to let him know, and he’s louder this time. “Leave. Leave now, Nikki.”
My mouth falls open. Is he telling me to leave?
Before I can respond, alarms start going off on all the machines. Doctors and nurses barrel through the door, and Mr. Cannon and I are pushed to the side so they can get to Ethan.