His voice trailed off, so I asked, “After what?”
“After the way you tried to get me to take that money.”
“I don’t understand. What does one thing have to do with the other?”
“If you thought we were going to stay together, that money wouldn’t matter, because I’d have you to take care of me.”
That logic had never even occurred to me. “I want to be with you forever, Em.”
“You do?” I nodded, and he burrowed deeper into my arms. “I’m sorry I ran off,” he whispered. “I just felt so guilty.”
“There’s no reason to.”
“I also feel like I don’t deserve you.”
“I feel like that about you, too.”
He asked, “Why would you think that?”
“Because you’re the most wonderful person on earth, and I’m just… me.”
He tried to chuckle and ended up coughing. When he could speak again, he said, “That’s so silly. You’re incredible, Bry. Don’t you know that about yourself?”
“I guess we both need to work on our self-esteem.”
“Sounds like it.” He shut his eyes, and after a pause, he murmured, “I don’t want to annul our marriage.”
“I don’t, either.”
He started to drift off, but he tried to fight it. I kissed his forehead and said, “You should get some more rest, baby. It’s been a long day.”
“Okay, but don’t forget, you said you wouldn’t leave me alone in this hospital.”
“I’ll be right here, all night.”
He snuggled closer. I thought he’d fallen asleep, but after a minute he whispered, “What happened to the cotton candy?”
That made me grin. “I left it in the car. It’ll probably still be okay tomorrow, but if not I’ll get you some more.”
He muttered, “Thank you,” and fell asleep a few moments later.
As I rested my cheek against his hair, I was filled with the most amazing sense of calm, and peace, and happiness.
He loved me. This sweet, wonderful, beautiful human being loved me.
Nothing in the world mattered more than that.
After spending the night in the hospital, Bryson brought me home and spent the next few days taking care of me while I rested and recovered. I wanted to tell him I was fine, but since there was a lingering ache in my lungs, I decided maybe it was best if I just went with it.