Even before the fire, it had been a rough day. I’d seen several great properties, but instead of feeling excited, I’d found myself filled with a sense of dread that I just couldn’t shake.
That was why I’d decided to cut my search short. I came home to a blaring alarm and the acrid smell of smoke, and I’d been overcome with fear. What if Embry had been seriously injured, or worse?
The thought of losing him was more than I could take, and I was beyond thankful that he was okay. He’d been deeply shaken, though. It would probably take time for him to rebuild his confidence and trust himself again, but he’d have me to help and support him, every step of the way.
It was almost ten p.m. when Embry finally woke up. Visiting hours were over, but Yolanda had made sure I’d be able to stay with him all night.
His eyelids fluttered, and he whispered, “Bryson?”
“I’m right here, baby.”
I moved closer and rested my hand on his arm. He looked so pale and fragile in that hospital bed that it made my heart ache.
“I’m so sorry I ruined your kitchen.”
“It’sourkitchen, and you didn’t ruin anything.”
“I could’ve burned the whole house down.”
“You didn’t even succeed in burning down a cabinet.”
He murmured, “You can be mad at me. I deserve it.”
“It would be bullshit to get mad about an accident. And what did I tell you the first time you came to the house and broke a couple of wine glasses?”
“It was more than a couple.”
“But what did I say?”
“That it’s just stuff.”
“That’s right, it’s all just stuff. None of it matters. Only you do.”
He asked, “Do you think we could both fit in this bed?”
“Let’s find out.” He scooted over, and after I slipped off my shoes, I stretched out on my side facing him. I brushed his curls out of his eyes and asked, “How do you feel?”
“How do you really feel?”
He hesitated before admitting, “My throat is sore, my lungs are a little achy, and my hand is throbbing.”
“Want me to call a nurse so you can ask for some pain meds?”
“Okay. Let me know if you change your mind.”
I felt him relax as he murmured, “I’m so glad you’re here with me.”
“Me, too.” I carefully gathered him into my arms and decided it was time to bare my soul. “I love you, Embry.”
He looked up at me with wide eyes. “You do?”
“With all my heart. I’ve wanted to tell you for a while, but I was worried you’d think it was too soon.”
“It’s not too soon.” He buried his face in my chest and whispered, “I love you too, Bryson. I love you so much. I was afraid to say it, because I thought you might not feel the same way, after…”