Page 98 of Enzo DeLuca

Chapter Twenty-Three



“Going somewhere?” shequestioned.

“I am.”

“So, you’re sneaking around on me already,” she mused.

“Don’t say it like that. You act like I’m sneaking off to be with another woman. I’m sneaking off to kill people. There’s a difference.”

“Where’s my bag?” she asked.

Shit. “Were you listening in the entire time?”

She nodded.

“You’re not coming, Eve.”

“Enzo, where’s my bag?” she asked as she moved to flip the light switch on.

“Eve, I don’t know what I’m walking into. And...”

“Which is why you need more backup. Did I mention I used to do this shit for a living?”

“You might have,” Enzo told her, amazed that he’d been sent a woman as fearless as her. “You really want to come?”

“Enzo, prepare me a bag while I dress.”

Enzo sighed and sat his bag down. “I guess I’ll be investing inhis and hermurder gear, huh?” he joked.

“Make mine purple,” she told him as she slid her shoes on. “It’s my happy color.”

For now, black would have to do. She talked as he slid items for her into a duffle bag.

“You’re a don. Why do you always have to get your hands dirty? Why not let your people handle it?”

“I like getting my hands dirty. I prefer it. But, I do issue orders. The DeLucas run territories all over the world. Currently, over a dozen of my cousins are taking care of shit for the family for me. If I call, they’ll come help with this. But I don’t want to call them. This is personal. I need to be the one who handles it. Also, I won’t be able to officially settle into my new role until I fulfill my last order from my grandfather.”

“What was that?”

“He told me to show my enemies how savage the DeLucas are.”

“I think your grandfather and I would’ve gotten along just fine.”