“So, do I,” Enzo told her.
When he finished filling her bag, he tossed it to her, momentarily forgetting she wasn’t one of his men. But she caught it and slid the strap over her shoulder like it was nothing.Impressive. Enzo handed her a vest.
“Have you called Stefan?” she asked as she put the bulletproof vest on.
She didn’t even watch what she was doing as she talked and geared up. She suited up like this was common nature for her. She checked her duffle bag, then checked her gun clips, even though Enzo had already done it for her. She was a fucking pro. Enzo stood staring at her.
“Enzo!” She snapped her fingers in his face. “Have you called Stefan?”
“I love you,” Enzo told her.
She froze. After a second, she whispered. “I love you too.”
“You’re not allowed to get hurt out there. Not even a scratch,” Enzo ordered. “Or I’ll end up going on a killing spree.”
She smiled. “You’re so romantic.”
“I’m so serious.”
“I know. That makes it even more romantic. How about this? We’ll do what me and Sienna often did. No matter what’s happening around us, if I give you a thumbs up, that means I’m good. If I give you a thumbs down, that means I need help.”
“What if you don’t do either?”
“That means I need all the help. Now, call Stefan. I need to use the bathroom before we leave. My motto is, never kill on a full bladder.”
Shaking his head, Enzo placed the call while Eve used the bathroom. It took less than ten minutes to get a small team ready and have the cleaners on standby. In route to the Adduci dealership, Orazio texted him their location. The Cattaneos were parked on the back road behind the dealership. Their hacker hadn’t been able to tap into any cameras. According to Orazio, his brother believed the cameras had been disabled for the drop.
Without eyes on what was going on, they couldn’t get a clear picture of what they were up against. While on the phone with Enzo, the Cattaneos saw one black vehicle leave the dirt path out of the forest and head in the opposite direction of them. At the same time, another one came from the opposite direction of them and turned onto the dirt road, heading into the forest.
They’d wanted to follow the car that was leaving. Enzo convinced them to remain where they were. Back up was on the way. If they followed the vehicle and ended up in a sticky situation, it could ruin the entire plan. A plan that had been thrown together in minutes. A plan that already had him on edge because his life wasn’t the only one on the line. He stared at the woman seated in his passenger seat.
There was a more important life on the line. If anyone on his team fucked up and it led to her getting hurt, Enzo would put a bullet in everyone on the team, Cattaneos included. She must’ve felt him watching her. Her head turned in his direction. Their eyes met. She smiled. Enzo smiled back.
Her lips parted, and she whispered, “Eyes on the road, buddy.”
Enzo chuckled and returned his gaze to the road.She was so fucking perfect!When they reached the rendezvous location, Enzo flashed his headlights twice before turning them off as he slowed down. The driver in front of him flashed his lights once. Enzo pulled up behind Stefan’s car, which was parked behind Orazio’s vehicle.
It was pitch black out. Trees lined both sides of the road and went on for miles. Enzo took in his surroundings as he turned the car off. All was quiet out. Or, so it seemed. Looks could be deceiving. Enzo turned to tell Eve to remain in the car, only to find her pulling the night-vision goggles from her bag. After sliding them on, she peered into the forest on her side of the road.
“These are those expensive night-vision goggles. I like them.” She looked left then right. “Don’t you think it’s a little strange that the Bianchis don’t have anyone in the forest, guarding the area?”
Before Enzo could answer her, he heard a car door open and close. He stared out his window. Stefan was approaching his car. Enzo turned the car on so he could roll the window down to talk to him.
“I beat you here,” Stefan bragged. He started to say more, but his gaze darted to Eve. Still wearing the goggles, she waved at Stefan. Stefan glared at Enzo. “Let’s talk outside the car,” Stefan told him.
Stefan stepped away from the car so Enzo could get out. When Enzo opened the door, Stefan pushed it shut. Then Enzo saw the headlights in his rearview mirror. Another car was approaching.
“Stay in the car,” Stefan told him, reaching into his holster for his weapon.
The approaching headlights flashed twice. It was someone from their team. Though it was dark, Enzo recognized the model of the car behind him. It was Lino and his brother, Terzo. Enzo flashed his lights once. Lino turned his lights off and pulled up behind Enzo. One final car arrived on the scene. They flashed twice. Lino flashed once.
A few DeLuca soldiers had arrived. Enzo's phone dinged. He reached into the console, pulled it out, and read the text. It was from the cleaners. The cleanup crew let him know they’d parked further off and would only approach when they received the text to do so. But they’d alert Enzo and Stefan if any other vehicles showed up. Enzo returned the phone to the console and turned the car off as Stefan opened the door for him.
“You don’t have to do that,” Enzo told him as he stepped out of the car.
“Habit,” Stefan replied.
Enzo closed his door, leaned over, and peered into the car. “Stay here for now,” he told Eve.