Enzo followed as Lino continued to talk.
“At your initiation, I was as shocked as everyone else when you told us that a DeLuca had betrayed the family. I mean, how could one of us betray our own? That’s fucked up. So, I told my guys to keep their ears to the streets and deliver me any interesting info they found.”
“Did they find something?” Enzo asked.
“They did. Something big. But, it may not have anything to do with the betrayer.”
“Lino, you’re taking me out of my good mood. Don’t do that.”
“Okay. Okay. Calm down. Listen, I’ve had a problem that I’ve been trying to figure out without involving you. You were already mad at me about my last fuck up. So...”
“Get to the point.”
“Right. The point. Word on the street is, a few weeks ago, some coke was released onto the streets that was ninety-seven percent pure.”
“Ninety-seven percent?”That’s some grade A product.
“Yeah. Mine is ninety-percent. And it was the best thing in the streets until this other stuff popped up. I now know why some of my high-end clientele stopped placing orders.”
“Your lost customers? That’s the problem you didn’t want to bring to me?”
“Let me get this straight, you let someone come in and take over your territory, and you didn’t bring it to my attention until now?”
“I’m handling it. Or, at least I was until I got word this morning that the people selling the coke are going around saying they have permission from the DeLucas to sell in that territory.”
“Who the fuck gave them permission?”
“I didn’t,” Lino rushed to say. “I knowyoudidn’t. Which means whoever betrayed the family must be involved somehow.”
Enzo’s good attitude was gone. He was feeling murderous now. He pulled his phone out and called Stefan.
“Turn around. We have business to take care of,” he growled before hanging up.
“Hey, Enzo,” Lino started. “Isn’t Stefan supposed to stay around you all the time, you know, to guard you?”
“He left some guys behind.”
Lino stared around. “Either I’m blind, or they’re invisible.”
“If you could see them, that would defeat the purpose.”
As soon as Enzo had told Stefan he needed him to run some errands for him, Stefan refused. When he finally gave in, he made a call and had five snipers show up at the construction site to watch over Enzo until Stefan returned. They were out of sight for a reason.
“Do you know who’s behind this flood of coke that’s entering your territory?” Enzo asked his cousin.
“No one knows who’s behind it.”
“I need more than that, Lino.”
Lino swiped his hand over his face again, a nervous habit. “Um... Oh, right.” Lino snapped his fingers, another habit. “I was going to pay a visit to Roko Adduci. He’s the owner...”
“I know who he is.” He owned over a dozen car dealerships.
“Word on the street is he’s been moving some of the weight for the drug dealers in his cars. I was told he sent some cars to America just last month. The trunks were packed with coke.”
Which meant he had someone on the inside that made it possible for him not to get caught.