“The don’s? I’m not the don’s. I don’t belong to him. I’m a victim.”
Giorgio refused to look at her or reply.Ugh. Lying down, she rested against the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. At least her hands were free now. She felt a tad bit more comfortable. If attacked, she would be able to adequately defend herself. Luckily, the main person she’d have to defend herself against wasn’t home.
Her mind began to race again. Giorgio had said she was the don’s. Yeah, she was his captive, his unwilling house guest. But she didn’t belong to him. Eventually, he would have to free her. Where was that bastard right now? Had he killed anyone today? Had anyone tried to kill him? If he did die, what would his minions do to her? That was a good question.
Eve sat up. “What would happen to me if...”
“It’s time for lunch,” Giorgio announced, completely ignoring the fact that she’d been about to ask him a question. “Come with me. I’ll take you to the kitchen.”
“Is the don home now?”
“Will I be eating alone?” Could this be her chance to escape?
“I’ll be watching over you.”
“Of course, you will.” Sighing, Eve stood up and stuck her hands out, waiting for him to cuff her.
“The don didn’t order me to restrain you.”
Eve kept the smile off her face. No restraints? There was no need to get ahead of herself. She had to be patient. She had to think this through. Rushed actions would only lead to her getting caught. If she got caught, she’d probably never leave this place alive. Plus, she didn’t know the lay of the land yet.
She had no idea how the outside of this place looked. Hell, she hadn’t even been given a tour of the inside. So, she couldn’t try to escape right now. Patience was a virtue. Though it was one she didn’t have, she was going to have it today.
“Come on,” Giorgio said.
“Yes, sir.” Eve saluted him.
He didn’t reply or respond. He simply turned and headed toward the door. He opened it, then stepped aside. “After you.”
A fake gentleman. Just like his boss. She could be just as fake as they could. With a smile plastered on her face, she thanked him and then left the room. This time, she wasn’t blindfolded as she had been when Stefan led her to the kitchen.
The bastard hadn’t removed the blindfold until they reached the kitchen door. Eve took in her surroundings as she was led down the hall. This house was huge. There were lots of windows.
“What floor are we on?” she asked. As expected, there was no reply. She moved toward the window.
“Do you want to be handcuffed and blindfolded?” Giorgio asked without looking back.
Under different circumstances, if a man as handsome as Giorgio asked her that, she’d say yes.
“No,” Eve replied.
“Look straight ahead, and don’t go near the windows.”
Patience is a virtue, she reminded herself. Eve followed Giorgio to the kitchen. Though she didn’t go near the windows or doors she passed, she did map out the layout in her head. When they reached the kitchen, she expected him to take her to the dining area and then present lunch to her. That didn’t happen. He took her to the cooking area.
“Your food is in the refrigerator,” he told her.
“You want me to get it myself?”
“Did you expect me to get it for you?”
I guess not.Eve opened the refrigerator. Many Tupperware containers filled it. Along with bottles of high-priced water. She knew the water was high-priced because it was the brand she avoided whenever she’d gone shopping since being in Italy. She wanted to ask which Tupperware she should get.
But she didn’t want another sarcastic reply from Giorgio. So, she pulled a few from the refrigerator and sat them on the counter to look through them. She was impressed with what she saw. So many delicious-looking dishes to choose from. And all she had to do was heat them up. In her small circle of friends, she was considered the Microwave Queen.
She looked up when the door to the kitchen opened. She’d expected to see the don entering the room. Instead, it was another guard. He nodded to Giorgio. Giorgio looked her way. She quickly pretended to be staring at her food choices.