Page 24 of Enzo DeLuca

They all stared from one to another, confused by his question.

“I seemed to have confused you all. I’ll put it another way. Which one of you got permission from a DeLuca to move my office to the one down the hall, and to fire secretary Yang and hire...” He glanced at the lady in red.

“I’m secretary Beck, sir,” she replied sweetly.

“And hire secretary Beck?” Enzo continued. “On whose authority did you make that call?”

Everyone stared at Jonathan.

“It was me,” the American confessed. “I made an executive decision...”

Enzo grabbed the man’s head and slammed it into the desk. Jonathan dropped to the floor.

“Who the fuck made you an executive of Tower D?” Enzo yelled down at the man who was holding his hand to the side of his head and groaning. “Tell me who the fuck made you a boss around here?”

The newcomers started for the door.

“Stay!” Enzo ordered.

They froze.

“Turn around,” Enzo yelled.

They turned around. Fear was etched into their faces, replacing the goofy-ass smiles they’d worn earlier. They’d all had the gall to walk into his office and talk, but none of them had the balls to back that shit up.

“You all thought with the old chairman no longer here, you could pull one over on the new chairman. I guess you thought you could make me work for you, or make me your bitch.”

They shook their heads.

“Yeah, that’s what you thought. Why else would you make moves without my order?” Shit, he was talking to them like they were one of his soldiers. “Why else would you change things without first going through me?” he corrected.

They looked like fish fresh from the water. Their mouths were gaping, but no words were coming out.

“You motherfuckers get to be CEOs and legit businessmen in Italy because of my family. Your businesses are protected by my family. You get to wear those...” Enzo stared them up and down. “Designer suits, luxury watches, and custom cuff-links because of my family. Try to pull someexecutiveshit with me again, and all of you will be buried in the shit you’re wearing now.”

Stefan shook his head again. Enzo ignored him.

“Do I make myself clear?” All eyes were on him. Still, no words were being spoken. Enzo sighed. “I guess I didn’t make myself clear. Stefan, tell them what happens when I have to repeatedly explain myself.”

“People die,” Stefan explained.

“We understand,” Jonathan, the ring leader, said while still on the floor, hand pressed against his bleeding head.

Stefan moved closer to Enzo and whispered, “No blood is to be spilled in Tower D.”

“It hasn’t hit the floor. So, technically it wasn’t spilled,” Enzo whispered back before facing Jonathan and saying, “Didn’t you know blood isn’t to be spilled in Tower D? Go clean yourself up. All of you, get to work. We have a meeting in ten minutes. Right, Stefan?”

“That’s right. Meeting in ten minutes in suite G.”

Jonathan’s little squad nodded and fled the room. Jonathan reached for the secretary, wanting her aid in getting up. She dodged his grasp and tried to flee the room also, only to run into secretary Yang.

“You’re finally here, secretary Yang,” Enzo said to his real secretary. “Secretary Beck, please clear your items out of secretary Yang’s desk and return to your previous duties.”

“Yes, sir,” Beck said without looking back at him.

Scowling at secretary Beck, secretary Yang stepped aside and allowed the trembling lady in red to leave the room. Jonathan pushed himself to his feet.

“Jonathan,” Enzo called out, just as the American made it to the door.