Page 23 of Enzo DeLuca

"Mr. DeLuca," the American said. "I took the liberty of hiring you a more appropriate secretary."

Enzo shoved his hands into his pockets to keep from choking the fuck out of Jonathan.

"Here, at Tower D," Jonathan continued. "We strive to keep the atmosphere professional and amicable for everyone. Though secretary Yang was favored by the older Mr. DeLuca, she wasn't a big hit with the others in the office."

"You don't say," Enzo drawled while listening to what Stefan was saying to secretary Yang.

From Stefan's side of the conversation, Enzo knew that secretary Yang had been fired upon arriving to work this morning. She'd tried to remain in the parking lot to await Enzo's arrival. But was forced to leave the premises altogether. She was now parked near a local business, where she'd been awaiting Stefan's call. Stefan instructed her to return to the office.

As Stefan ended the call, Enzo strode into his office, followed by not only Stefan, Jonathan, and the lady in red, but by four newcomers. The four newcomers wore smiles on their faces as they entered the office and moved to stand next to Jonathan.

So, Jonathan had brought back up. Holding in his anger, Enzo unbuttoned his jacket and sat down. Stefan moved to stand next to his seat. Before Enzo could say a word, Jonathan proceeded to further explain why he'd fired secretary Yang.

"I think all of us could agree that secretary Yang had an extremely awful temper."

"Is that so?" Enzo asked.

The four gentlemen who'd arrived as backup nodded. Even the lady in red nodded.

"You knew her too?" Enzo asked the secretary. "I thought you were a new hire."

Before she could speak, Jonathan spoke for her.

"Oh, she's not a new hire. She's a secretary from my office,” Jonathan clarified.

Essentially, a spy.

“She's highly trained and very reliable,” the American continued. “She sees nothing she’s not supposed to see and hears nothing she’s not supposed to hear. Though it pained me to let her go, I wanted you to have the best by your side."

If Jonathan’s smile stretched any wider, he’d start to look like the Joker. Enzo was three seconds from seeing what that bastard's brain looked like. Rising from his seat, Enzo walked around his grandfather’s desk and sat down on the edge of it.

Jonathan was still smiling like a silly ass zebra who didn’t realize a lion had just approached him. Enzo planned to make this conversation quick. There was other shit that he needed to do.

“Mr. Walthall, which company do you work for here at Tower D?” Enzo asked.

“I work for Mondem Tech based out of California. That’s in America.”

“I know where the fuck it is.”

The secretary in red gasped, shocked by Enzo’s language. From the corner of his eye, he saw Stefan shake his head. Jonathan’s smile faltered a bit, but he quickly recovered.

“Ah, yes. Yes. I didn’t mean to insinuate that you didn’t know where California was. Who doesn’t know where California is? Right?” Jonathan stared at his back up. They all laughed nervously and nodded.

“Why did your company decide to expand abroad and open up an office here in Italy?” Enzo asked.

“Oh, well...” Jonathan cleared his throat and straightened his tie. “There were multiple factors that led to us choosing Italy and Tower D. Actually, Thailand was our first choice. When we learned of Tower D and how it was backed by the DeLuca family, this place quickly became our first choice. Our main reason for moving to Italy was tax-related.”

“Ahh,” Enzo said, nodding. “You were being forced to give up too much of your money to the American government.”

“Far too much,” Jonathan added.

“I understand,” Enzo said, standing up from the desk. “So, you work for Mondem Tech?” Enzo said, pointing at Jonathan. “Who do the rest of you work for?”

“I work for you, Mr. DeLuca,” the lady in red stated.

Ignoring her, Enzo listened to the other four as they told him of the companies they worked for and why they’d moved into Tower D.

Nodding, Enzo said, “I’m glad all of you decided to make Tower D your home. I just have one final question for you all. Which one of you is a DeLuca?”