Terzo laughed. “I would gladly accept your protection, la mia bellezza.”
“Terzo,” Enzo growled. “I’m two seconds away from shooting you.”
Terzo winked at Eve before looking up at Enzo. “No wonder I haven’t seen you in a while. You’ve been busy. I like your taste, cousin. I approve.”
“Did I ask for your damn approval? Don’t make me repeat myself,cousin. Get to work. We don’t have much time. I want this finished before the sun rises.”
“Okay. Okay. I’m going.”
When Terzo walked off, Enzo approached the driver’s window and peered in.
“Did you smile for him?” he asked Eve.
“I only smile for one DeLuca. The don.” She winked at him.
Enzo held in his smile as he nodded, then headed back to the trunk.
“You’re so far gone, I don’t even recognize you,” Stefan whispered.
“When you fall in love, you’ll understand,” Enzo replied.
“I need love like I need a bullet in my chest,” Stefan drawled.
“Eve and I will help you find someone.”
“No, thank you. You and Eve can keep your help to yourself.” Stefan stepped away from the car. “Are we taking these explosives deeper into the forest to light up whoever tries to leave?”
“Yeah. Only detonate them after you verify that all of our people are out of the woods.”
“You brought explosives,” Orazio observed as he stepped up to the trunk. “My brother, Caspari, is an explosives expert. He can help with putting them in strategic locations that will maximize our efforts.”
“Good,” Enzo said. “Caspari, you’re with Stefan. Orazio and Romeo, you’re with me.”
“What about the woman in the car?” Orazio asked.
“My woman is always with me,” Enzo replied.
All of the Cattaneos nodded. It was time to introduce Eve to his team. Enzo walked around the car and opened Eve’s door. She stepped out with her goggles on and holding her weapon. Lino and Terzo returned from laying the spike strips. Terzo smiled at Eve.
“You hold that like you know what to do with it,” Terzo pointed out.
Eve unloaded, then reloaded the clip and said, “I do, don’t I.”
Terzo placed his hand against his chest. “I think I’m in love.”
“I think you’re ready to die,” Lino told his brother, then nodded at Enzo.
Terzo looked up to find Enzo glaring at him.
“I’m only joking,” Terzo explained. “You know I like to lighten the mood before I shoot people.”
Ignoring his cousin, Enzo introduced Eve to the team.
“This is Eve. She’s my woman. She’s my life. Protect her the same way you’d protect me. If she gets one scratch, you get a bullet. Understood?” His team nodded. The Cattaneos only stared at him. “I helped you save your cousin,” Enzo told them. “Help me protect my woman.”
The Cattaneos nodded.
“All of our enemies must die. No one gets away. Not one,” Enzo told them.