“And when I realized she was really my sister, all I wanted to do was talk to her and ask her how her life had been. But I didn’t want her to know about my life, so I stayed away from her for as long as I could. Though I tried to avoid meeting her, I couldn’t resist it. I guess I was desperate to find a family of my own.”
“That’s understandable, love. Was she happy to meet you?”
Eve smiled. “She was. She was very happy. Almost happier than I was. One night, we talked for five hours straight. Neither of us wanted to go to sleep. We ended up becoming close. I never told her what I did for a living. But, I should’ve. I should’ve stayed away from her. You see, Maureen had become paranoid. She thought everyone was out to get her. She’d started killing a lot of her closest people. Sienna and I knew she’d one day turn on us too. So, we’d planned to leave without telling Maureen. I’d wanted to see my sister one last time before doing so. I knew my sister was getting ready to take a trip to Italy to start her blog. I’d told her that I’d visit her here when I could. The night Sienna and I planned to leave, I went to my sister’s house to say goodbye. When I pulled into the driveway, I got a call from Sienna saying not to go near my sister. She said Maureen was watching us. Like a fool, I left, thinking I hadn’t been followed. I left thinking I was protecting my sister. I was wrong. Maureen’s guys had followed me there. They figured the person inside was someone close to me. When they saw my sister, they thought she was me and killed her. Even though they’d seen me leave in my car, the dumb fucks hadn’t put two and two together and figured out I had a twin. They reported to Maureen that I’d been killed. So, Sienna was next. Sienna was attacked, and they told her they’d already killed me. She escaped. I found her at our rendezvous location. Thinking I was dead, she was shocked to see me. After she explained why she’d thought I was dead, I broke down. I knew Eve was gone. But I had to see for myself.”
Eve wiped tears from her eyes.
“You don’t have to continue, love.”
“I do. I need to. I need to confess my sins.”
“When I arrived at the scene, it was already too late. I was able to see what they’d done to my sister before their cleanup crew arrived to her house that night. I was disgusted and furious. Sienna had to drag me away from the scene. Later, Sienna went back and took some things from Eve’s house. The next morning, she gave me Eve’s things and told me to leave. She told me to leave this life behind, or I would be next. But, I couldn’t leave. I had to make those who hurt my sister pay. So, Sienna and I went on a killing spree. We saved Maureen for last. I made her pay for what she’d done to my innocent sister.”
“Did you torture her?”
“For hours.”
“Afterward, I never heard any news of my sister’s death. Sienna went into hiding. But not before convincing me to take on Eve’s life. Eve had already booked her flight for Italy. She had her room booked also.” Tears fell down Eve’s cheeks as she continued. “From then on, I decided I would live the life my sister wanted. Her parents don’t even know she’s gone. I plan to send them money like she used to do. They were good to her. So, I’ll be good to them for her. I’ll be Eve for them. Since Eden is responsible for her sister’s death, Eden doesn’t deserve to live.” A sob escaped her. Enzo hugged her close.
“Eve or Eden, you are the woman I love. And I will protect you and anyone you want to protect. I’ll take care of Eve’s family. They’ll never want for anything. And if you want your friend Sienna to hide out at one of my estates, I’ll have Stefan arrange it.”
“Really?” Eve asked. “I haven’t been able to reach her, and I’m so worried.”
“We’ll find her for you. For you, I’ll do anything.”
“Thank you, Enzo.”
“You’re welcome, Mia Bella.”
He held her until her tears ceased falling. After a while, he chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” Eve asked.
“I thought the lion had fallen in love with a gazelle. Turns out, the lion fell in love with a lioness.”
“It’s about time you realized it,” Eve teased. “Now, let’s see if you can make this lioness purr. Unless the lion is too tired, of course.”
“The lion is always up for the challenge,” her don told her as he eased her back onto the bed.
That night, they made love tenderly. No wild fucking. Just gentle caresses and soft kisses. They were both filled with sadness, but they took comfort in each other. That night, all was calm. But they knew the storm would come in the morning. Together, they’d be ready for it. Together, the lion and the lioness could handle anything the jungle threw at them.
Soon, their enemies would fear their roar.
The storm arrived beforethe sun rose.
He hadn’t been asleep long before the ringing of his phone awoke Enzo from his slumber. It was Orazio Cattaneo.
“Hello,” Enzo answered, voice groggy. Next to him, Eve turned over in her sleep. As Orazio talked, Enzo untangled himself from Eve and climbed out of bed.