They found out whichhospital Emelia was transported to.
Her car had indeed been shot at, causing her to wreck. Their inside guy was looking into who was behind the shooting. There were no witnesses. If there were, they weren’t coming forward. Emelia had been driving alone. A bullet had grazed her head. One had struck her shoulder. Another struck her abdomen. But it was the actual car wreck that placed her in a coma.
Once she was transferred to their hospital of choice, Enzo contacted her brother and told him everything. He’d been devastated but promised not to tell anyone. Her brother wanted to go after the Bianchi family. Like Enzo, he was sure they were the ones who’d shot her car up. They must’ve had her phone tapped and overheard her conversation with Enzo.
They’d wanted to get rid of her and tie up loose ends. No matter how pissed off and disappointed he was in his cousin, he wouldn’t allow others to harm her. The Bianchis would pay in blood. But Emelia had to pay also. Enzo stared down at her swollen body. There were all kinds of machines hooked up to her.
Without them, she’d be dead already.Piccola Em. Her condition reminded him of his grandfather’s condition the last time Enzo had seen him. If she’d known her actions would place her in the same situation as their grandfather, would she still have done it? If his grandfather hadn’t been so old fashioned, could they have avoided all of this?
And if Enzo had noticed that Emelia wasn’t happy, could he have prevented her from turning against the family? These were all questions that would never be answered. He couldn’t change the past. All he could do was make sure history didn’t repeat itself. The doctor entered the room.
“Mr. DeLuca,” he said. “We’re going to do all we can for her. But I want you and your family to prepare yourself. Emelia has suffered great trauma to her brain. I...” the doctor shook his head.
Enzo closed his eyes and sighed. He was tired. So, fucking tired. But he was the don. Tired would have to wait.
When he opened his eyes, he told the doctor, “Do everything you can to save her. She’s the jewel of the family. When she wakes up, contact me first. Leave her handcuffed to the bed. Don’t remove the handcuffs without my permission.”
“Mr. DeLuca, I don’t know if she’ll wake...”
“Just do it, doctor.”
“Yes, Mr. DeLuca. The staff has received the same instructions. You look exhausted. You should get some rest.”
Enzo nodded. He was exhausted. But how could he rest? He turned and left the room. Stefan and Eve were waiting for him in the waiting area. Eve rushed to his side.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
He plastered a smile on his face because he didn’t want her to worry. “I’m fine.”
“Rule number one,” she told him. “No lying.”
“I’m better now that I’m holding you,” he confessed. “Let’s go home. They’ll call me if her condition changes.”For better or for worse.
With his arm around Eve, he followed Stefan to the car. The drive home was a quiet one. Eve rested against his chest. Enzo stared out the window, his thoughts on Emelia and his grandfather. His grandfather had known who was behind his hit. But he hadn’t wanted Enzo to go after Emelia.
He’d wanted him to forgive her. Yet, his grandfather had told him toshow them who we are.He must’ve wanted Enzo to place his foot on the neck of the Bianchi family and remind them that they were beneath the DeLucas. Maybe he blamed them for turning Emelia against the family. Enzo knew that Emelia’s heart had turned cold for her own selfish reasons.
He would’ve gladly let her run a territory if she’d proven she could handle it. Her being a woman had nothing to do with it. Their aunt had her own territory in Italy. Men shivered in her wake and referred to her as Bella Bestia,beautiful beast. It wasn’t a territory Emelia wanted. It was something more. Perhaps she wanted to be the Donna of the family. If she’d only wanted a territory, she would’ve asked for one.
No, given her personality, she would’ve demanded one. Instead of asking, she kept up theflower of the familypretense while betraying them behind their backs. He loved her dearly, but he’d never forgive her. If, no,when,she awakened, she’d be placed in a psychiatric ward. The one she used to manage. He wouldn’t kill her.
Neither would he let her harm their family again. He’d try to forgive her. But he wasn’t a saint, far from it. He couldn’t make any promises. As for the Bianchis, he would bring the entire family down, one by one. He would remind them of how savage his family could be. Eve let out a light snore. Enzo stared down at her. His treasure was sound asleep. Stefan hit a bump.
“Careful,” Enzo whispered loudly. “My treasure is in this car.”
Stefan laughed. “It seems I’ve got a brotheranda sister-in-law now.”
“Only if she says yes.” He pushed a strand of hair out of her face and whispered, “Her ass better say yes.”
He continued watching her sleep as Stefan drove them home.