Page 93 of Enzo DeLuca

“Yes, do it.” To Eve, Enzo said, “I have to go...”

Eve nodded. “Let’s go.”

She wiggled out of his grasp and followed Stefan. Stefan looked back at her but said nothing. However, she could’ve sworn Enzo said something about her being difficult as hell. Stefan got behind the wheel. Enzo glared at her as he opened the back door for her and then climbed in behind her.

To Stefan, Enzo said, “Now that you’re my brother, you’re no longer opening doors for me, huh?”

“I would’ve opened it, but you may have bitten my head off, seeing as how you looked at me strangely when I was standing too close to Eve.”

Eve smiled. Enzo glared at the back of Stefan’s head.

“Just get me to Em.”

“On it.” As Stefan drove, he also talked on the phone.

Eve was trying to be nosy, but he was switching from Italian to English. She hated it when people did that.Show-offs. He was saying something about checking the local hospitals for an Emelia DeLuca. Also, he wanted to know if her car had been shot at.

“Stop listening in,” Enzo told her. “You’ve got some explaining to do.”


“The guards were all passed out when we arrived. Which means all of the enemies that were killed before we arrived were killed by you.”

Eve opened her mouth and then closed it. She opened it again and said, “I hope Emelia is okay. What are you going to do to her? She’s your favorite cousin. You can’t kill her, right?”

“I’ll handle Emelia as soon as I get her to safety. Don’t change the subject, Mia Bella. I watched you slit a man’s throat without hesitating,” he told her.

“I did that?” she asked, clutching her fake pearls. “It must’ve been the adrenaline and the fear making me feel like a superhero.”

“Lying ass. You’ve got blood all over you. Let me see your hand.”

“It’s fine.”

He grabbed her hand anyway and tore fabric from his shirt to wrap around her hand. Sometimes, he behaved like a hero straight out of a romance movie.

“No more killing if I’m not around,” he told her. “When I’m around, you can kill whoever you want.”

Other times, he behaved like a villain from a thriller. She loved both sides of her don.

“Considering I’m in love with a don,” Eve said. “I’m pretty sure I’ll be doing some more killing when you’re not around.”

“You’re probably right.” He sighed. “My life and my family are putting you in danger.”

“I’ve been in danger for a very long time. This is nothing new.”

Their gazes met. She could see the questions in his eyes. Instead of asking them, he pulled her close so she could rest her head against his chest.

“After I deal with Em, you will tell me everything. I can’t wait any longer.”

Eve nodded. “I’ll tell you everything,” she promised.

She’d seen his darkest secrets. It was time to tell him hers.


