Worst case scenario, I can just try to read his body language again.
It really wasn’t hard to see past the bravado and through to his submissive streak, or to recognize the craving for reassurance whenever he thought I was rejecting him. He needed those moments of surrender and I was more than happy to help give him that.
If anyone understands, it’s me. It’s mymodus operandi, after all.
I can admit it was an excellent way to kill two anxiety birds with one stone. It may also unfortunately be the key to killing whateverthis isbefore it goes any further.
“—But I actually have a hair appointment to get to.” I hedge, before adding, just as casually, “Need it ready for The Symposium tomorrow night.”
Hermes’s spine straightens and he winces as soon as he realizes that my shrewd gaze has caught it.
I’ll takethatas a resounding yes.
“You guys going then? I bet all four of you would look pornographic in a tux.” Not even a little lie there. If they show up to this thing in formal wear, my horny bitch spank bank will be setfor life.
I see when his shoulders slump and he realizes both sides here are starting to connect the dots.
I know they heard me mention the Treaty in the alley during the failed meeting with their contact. They’dhaveto have figured out by now that they weren’t the only ones with a toe dipped in the seedy waters of the Underworld.
“Yeah. We’ll be there,” he mutters tersely, looking away.
Everybody's got secrets, Sabine.
Apollo did his best to deflect in the car, but I guess it was only a matter of time.
Our paths were on a direct collision course, and what better crash site than the biggest event on the Underworld’s calendar?
Then his gorgeous hazel eyes flick to mine. I see that open sort of vulnerability there again, just like each of the times he thought I was about to push him away.
Oh no.
Oh no.
I don’t know him well enough to understand the origin of that fear, but I do know one thing—he’s about to hand me our destruction on a silver platter.
“Who do you have to show up with? Maybe we can make a date out of it once we’re there,” he says, a small grin slipping through.
He just looks so young and…hopefulright now.The air in my lungs suddenly feels poisonous.
This is it.
“A date. Withyou?” I do my best to inject just enough incredulity into my tone, and that weird dizziness in my chest intensifies.
“No, not just me. All of us, together. Like it’s supposed to be.”
He steps towards me, hands out and reaching for my waist like he wants to pull me in. I cut him off with my best derisive laugh and he falters, mid-stride.
“The fuck? What kind of weird fucking fairytale are the four of you living in?” I spit, with a lot more venom this time.
Hermes’s mouth instantly turns down and his eyebrows knit together violently. “Wifey, I told you to stop fighting it. We’re inevitable.” His voice turns hoarse, sharp and pained. I feel it like a slice across my skin.“Why don’t you remember us?”
“I’ve told you multiple times—I’m not your fuckingwife, and there is nowe. Nous.” I bend down and snatch up my shoes, making sure my phone’s still in my skirt.
I pull it out to start sending a message to Dio while moving back to the busted out doorway. I’m going to have to get him to come make an emergency extraction.
There’s no way I can stay and face the devastation I’m wreaking on Hermes’s already fragile mental state. I had no idea he was so far gone with this legitimate idea of us. I’d just thought it was all part of his larger than life personality. Charming the pants off the shiny new girl and everything.
No, I have to get out of here. The oxygen’s all gone.