Page 13 of Forget Me Twice

Rhett barks out a laugh. Knox makes a quiet noise of distress.

“Ouch, Cap. Straight for the fucking kill shot,” I laugh weakly. He’s not wrong though. I’m not exactly Miss Congeniality and this mission is going to require a certain bag of social party tricks I’m not currently in possession of, thanks to my general daily outlook ofno fucks given. I think it's why Rhett and I have such easy chemistry.

Jax swipes a troubled hand over his beard again, holding my gaze for a moment longer before stepping away from me and taking a further beat to study the other members of our Crew. I feel an odd sort of loss as he moves away, knowing our time left together is already limited.

I hold my breath until he straightens, the mantle of leadership settling back across his shoulders with practiced ease. When he starts barking orders I feel the sag of my own under the familiar, reassuring weight of his dominance.

He’s a natural at this authority figure business and I can’t imagine how we are going to fill the veritable crater his absence will leave behind.

“I’m going to work on finding out exactly what else my father is up to. He definitely wants us to learn a lesson, but he also wants us out from under foot and occupied.”Nice.That Jackson Grayson self-possession and command isfirmlyback in place.

It’s a beautiful thing to behold.

“Knox, you handle locking down a place for the three of you in Rox City. Someplace modern, location need-to-know, easy enough for Foster to outfit for surveillance and close to the school. I want eyes on Sabine’s dorm as well.”

I smirk at Rhett, before saying, “I’m sure there will be enough eyes in the dorm without needing cameras.” I look back at Jax just in time to catch a hot flash ofsomethingcross his striking gaze. There and gone.

Was that…jealousy?

No. That’s definitely wishful thinking on my pussy-drunk behalf.

Jax doesn’t respond, just turns to our resident motorhead, barking, “Rhett, you find some wheels. Can’t risk taking any of ours down there, even with new plates.”

My eyes go wide at the thought of car shopping, only for Jax’s voice to slice straight through my excitement like a newly-sharpened knife.

“Nothing for Sabine.”

My jaw drops.“Jax!I’ll be the only fucking senior in a sea of rich kids without a car!” My indignation is clear and it definitely slips out with something resembling a whine.

I can’t help it though, my head is about to burst. I press harshly against my scar again as I give him my best scowl.

“You’ll be living on campus and won’t need a car. Besides, I’m not having you wrap yourself around some random fucking utility pole while you’re down there in the the middle of an Ace-controlled viper’s nest, Sabe. No, nope, no fucking pouting.”

I roll my lips inwards instead. The concern is heartwarming, but c’mon, he’s being a tad melodramatic, isn’t he?

“It was one time!”

“Twice,” Rhett chimes in happily over Jax’s shoulder like a goddamn traitor. As easy-going as the man is, he’s also a world class shit-stirrer. He finds equal satisfaction in sowing the seeds of discord as he does giving and receiving pleasure.

“Twice, Sabe,” Jax reiterates. “And if it’s not a pole, it’s another fucking car. So. No. Driving!” The tough mask he so painstakingly reconstructed almost cracks again.

I groan and look at the ceiling once again, deflating a little with the spark of frustration my shitty brain allows me. They all know I’m a bit of a prima donna when it comes to my vices, and a sleek set of adrenaline-on-wheels is one of them. I just happened to enjoy mixing racing with some of my other indulgences.

Namely drugs and booze.

It doesn’t always end well. Okay. Perhaps I can sort of see his point.

“Fiiiine,” I concede.

Rhett is shaking his head at me, that wide grin making its decadent appearance again. Now Iknowthe asshole’s going to pickhimself up the sexiest ride, just to rub it in. I’ll have to bide my time and snag the keys.

A flicker of a smile tugs at the side of Jax’s lips as well, the hard look in his eyes slowly taken over by something more affectionate the longer he stares me down. “What am I going to do with you,” he admonishes under his breath, exasperation clear as day.

It makes my heart kick for an entirely different reason. I don’t know how we’re going to do this without him.

HowI’mgoing to do this without him.

I give him a small smile that I hope looks reassuring. I’m dead on my fucking feet but I need to start forming a game plan for the little time we have before the semester starts at Roxborough Academy in September.