"We have a gentleman interested in your profile and would like to meet with you as soon as possible. I need you to come in and review his terms for your approval so we can schedule the meet and greet."
That stops me mid-reach for my toothbrush as her words sink in.
"Oh," is my brilliant reply. That was fast.
"Well? Can you come in today or not?" She snaps.
Geesh, I need to pull it together around this woman.
"Yes. Yes, I can stop by after my last class. How about three?"
"Very well. See you then." The phone clicks signaling she disconnected the call.
"So rude," I mutter.
Setting my phone on the counter, I rush through my morning routine. I hope to make it in time to turn my paper in. And with having to rush, it leaves me no room to obsess over the appointment this afternoon.
This time when I enter my last class, Danny's sitting next to my usual spot. The corner of his mouth quirks in greeting as I seat myself and lean in to whisper, "You aren't sitting here to distract me from class, are you? I just fixed things with Mrs. Mathews, so I don't need you to get me on her bad side again."
Danny chuckles as his eyes roam over me. "No way. I promise to behave." But then he lifts a strand of my hair. "I like what you've done."
"Thanks." I stoop to pull my book out of my bag, discreetly pulling my hair out of his reach. This is just my luck to have Danny Hendricks show interest right when I can't do anything about it. "How's the job with the team?" I ask to distract him.
"Good. I'm helping with the physical therapy and hope to work my way to the athletic trainer position." Danny taps the armrest as he relaxes further into his chair.
"Oh, wow. I knew you played on the team, but I didn't know what you were studying while in school." His eyes light up and he straightens in his chair.
Crap. I hope I didn't give him the impression I'm interested.
"I love to play, but I'm not good enough for the pros, so I chose an occupation that would keep me close to the game." He shrugs.
I only nod, since Mrs. Mathews chose that moment to call the class to order. I try paying attention, especially after yesterday, but it's hard to focus with Danny's large body sitting next to mine. The girl in me before my dad's illness would be jumping with excitement from his attention. Frankly, I still would be if it wasn't for the fact I'll soon have aboyfriend.Again, the timing of his interest sucks.
Danny will be one more thing that could've been, but never will be. I let out a sad sigh, realizing I'll need to distance myself from him. Which is why when class ends, I make my excuses about an appointment and rush off, but not before I see his disappointment.
When I arrive at the Sweet Connection's office, I check in with Ms. Wesley's mini me. As she leaves to inform her of my arrival, I contemplate what to do about Danny. I'm not sure if he'll be interested in just being friends. If I even have time for friends.
I'm about to chew on my freshly manicured nails when I remember I can't mess them up and cross my arms instead.
Ugh. Danny isn't enough of a distraction for what I'm about to do. The only thing keeping me here is the thought of my parents being homeless.
Unable to sit still any longer, I pace the waiting area. Thankfully, no one else is in the room to witness my anxiety.
I've been trying not to think about what type of man would need to pay for a companion. More to the point, how old he is and what he looks like. If he's too old, I'll have to hide him from my parents. There's no way I can convince them I'm dating a guy their age or older.
Dark, smoldering eyes flash in my head, and I almost wish he's the potential client. At least there's an attraction, and he's somewhat age appropriate.
Sighing, I force myself to sit back down, but the moment my butt hits the chair, the door opens and I jump right back up.
"Miss Davis, come with me." Ms. Wesley barely looks at me, too engrossed in the file she holds.
Well, hello to you too.
My nod is the only response I give—not that she notices. I follow her into her office and she indicates the same chair I occupied last time.
She rounds her desk, placing a folder in front of me as she sits. "As I said on the phone, you have an interested client wishing to meet you tonight. He's gone over your packet and agreed to your terms with the stipulation that you'd be willing to talk about revising some of the terms after you get to know him better, but itisn't a deal breaker for him if you don't agree. He only wants you to think about it. I believe it's a reasonable request. Is this acceptable to you?"
"Um, yeah. As long as I can say no, I'm not against considering any requests he may have." It's a good sign he's given his intentions before the contract.