Mortified, I thank him without making eye contact and hastily dress after they leave the room.
My mind wonders to the possibility of the doctor being a client of Sweet Connections. Can you imagine having an exam and then he requests you to be his sugar baby? That would be awkward.
The receptionist at the front desk informs me I don't owe anything, and I can't leave fast enough.
As I'm walking to my car, my phone buzzes in my pocket.
Another unknown number.
Hesitantly, I accept the call. "Hello?"
"Miss Davis? This is Margaret Wesley. I've been informed your doctor appointment is completed. Is that correct?"
Seriously? I just walked out of the office.
I glance back toward the entrance as if I could find out how she knew already. "Uh, yeah. Yes. I'm done."
"Good. You have a salon appointment in an hour. Then from there, you'll head to the photography studio."
"Wow. That's quick." I bite my nail as I look around the parking lot. A young mom is sitting on a bench with her two little kids waiting for the bus. She looks harried as she tries to keep her little boy from running all over the place.
"Isn't that what you wanted? I expressly remember you wanting this to move fast." Ms. Wesley chides me.
"No, no! I mean, yes. I do want this done fast. Thank you."
I roll my eyes at myself.
I don't know why my attention stays on the young mom as Ms. Wesley says she'll text me the addresses before ending the call without a goodbye, but I can't help but think being a mom will not be in my future after what I'm about to do.
Sighing, I settle into my car and wait for the text.
By the time I'm done with all the appointments, I've had my hair trimmed and styled, a mani-pedi, and a Brazilian wax. Then I was dressed in a beautiful green sparkly dress for my photo shoot.
I no longer recognize myself.
Who knew I could look this good? The dress the photographer had waiting for me shows off my curves without being indecent.
By the time the photographer finishes, it's late and I still have to work on my project. I'm dragging with lack of sleep already, and I'm not sure how I'll make it on another sleepless night.
To make matters worse, it's pouring when I step out of the studio. All the hard work done on my hair and makeup is ruined by the time I unlock my car. I rush to close the door and lock it before leaning my head back against the headrest. The mom with the two kids at the bus stop pops into my head again, and I banish it immediately. I can't think about what might have been.
Blowing out a breath, I start the car for my drive home.
Chapter seven
My phone ringing jolts me from a deep sleep, so I take a moment to find my bearings. When it rings again, it's muffled and I realize my phone is buried under my covers. I scramble, searching for it, and end up pushing all the blankets on the floor and by the time I answer the call, I'm out of breath.
"Hello?" Ugh, my mouth is gross. Rolling over, I swing my legs off the bed to sit while swiping my tangled hair out of my face.
"Miss Davis?"
"Yes?" I set my phone on speaker and check the time on the display. I almost have a panic attack at how late it is. I've already missed two classes. "Shit!"
"Excuse me?" I recognize Ms. Wesley's indignant voice.
Now wide awake, I sit straighter. "I'm so sorry. That wasn't directed at you. What can I do for you, Ms. Wesley?" I move to gather my clothes together and head to the bathroom as she talks.