Page 212 of Wolf Roulette

I bolted upright, staring down. Sascha’s black T-shirt covered me.A whole day?

Fuck.What day was it now?

My phone was plugged in on the bedside table.

I gasped.It’s Monday!

Sascha walked into the room.

“Five days.” I pressed a hand to my cheek. “The truce.”

I stood and wobbled in a circle, trying to locate clothing. Any clothing would be great. Showing up in this T-shirt… not so much.


“Everyone will think we’ve forgotten.”

He grabbed my shoulders. “Andie. I woke yesterday. The pack alerted the tribe to the delay. Everything is fine.”

I sagged against him. “Are you sure?”

“As sure as I am that you need food and water.”

My stomach rumbled in reply. “I feel incredible.”

A warm understanding filled me unlike anything I’d experienced. I felt Sascha’s presence inside my body—all of him. I’d gained a radar of his exact wellbeing. And it didn’t feel new either. This development was vaguely familiar. It must have come on after the sex meet and really settled in during the heat.

He gripped my chin and delivered a soul-affirming kiss. “So do I. Thank you for that gift.”

I hummed. “Back at ya.”

He kissed me again. “Food and drink. You haven’t had anything in five days.”

Sascha led me to his wicker furniture and pushed a glass of water into my hands.

I gulped back the cool liquid, and he filled the glass again.

After two more, I slowed. “Maybe I was thirsty.”

“So was I. When I woke in what remained of the cabin—”

“What remained,” I repeated.

“—I drove us back here and nearly collapsed outside the pack house. Something my wolves found extremely amusing.”

Four days of sex would do that to a person.

“Will we remember everything in time?” Already, pieces were coming back to me. I recalled our twin sighs and hot gasps. His hands roaming my body. Him bearing down on me as I sprinted through the trees.

There was a waterfall involved at some point.

Oh… we definitely bit each other.

I sucked in a breath, assaulted by a montage of him slamming into me over and over again. He’d only ever stopped to heal me before we’d entered another round. For hours anddays. God,it had felt like nothing would ever rid me of that lust. And that incredible warmth that connected us now tinged every memory of the heat I’d regained so far.


His eyes gleamed. “It took me a few hours to get all the details back, but yes.”