Page 213 of Wolf Roulette

I pursed my lips.Dammit,he already knew.

A heat with you defied all of my expectations,he thought at me.

My chest loosened.

I grabbed a fistful ofCorrie’s Chocolate Chip Chocos.

Sascha stroked my hair. “I arranged a meeting with the head team while you slept. We agreed nothing would be signed until you woke, but everyone was agreeable to opening negotiations. I wanted you to wake to a different future.”

I met his honey gaze. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”

“You did so much of this yourself. I wanted to.”

“It’s nice to skip the tedious part for a change,” I admitted.

He slid a document from underneath the food tray. “Here’s what we’ve figured out so far. Let me know your thoughts. I think it’s pretty near perfect. Currently, our pack and your tribe are in agreement about the contents.”

There was anactualtruce contract before me right now.

So many times, I never thought we’d get here.

“I’ll leave you to look it over,” he said. “Would you like me to call a meeting tomorrow morning?”

“Tonight, please.”

“Done, beautiful. One more thing. Wade said to check your phone when you woke, or he’d smash your saxophone. I snuck into the manor and stole it just in case he was serious.”

I followed the tilt of his head to find my sax resting atop my black case.

Sascha left the bungalow.



That was a new one. She was a slang sponge.How are you?

I’d like you to stop talking and eat more. More water too.

My heart squeezed at the deep contentment under her response.

Returning to the bedside table, I grabbed my phone.

Ten messages from Wade.

Bet you’re having sex.

But seriously, where are you? The meeting’s about to start.

Daaaamn, we could erupt into war, but you stopped to have SEX? Who even are you? So proud, baby girl.

Two days… $10 says you can’t walk after.

Three days. I’m open-minded, but shit, Andie.

What’s Sascha wearing? Suspenders and an axe, plz.

FOUR DAYS. Stop having sex for five damn seconds!