Page 72 of Cross & Crown

Julian didn’t hesitate or look back. He broke into a sprint.

Nick lunged to his feet and gave chase.

Kelly shoved away from the doorway and onto the

sidewalk as soon as Nick bolted. He put a hand on his head,

cursing under his breath. His eyes scanned the building tops

and the people who were slowly getting to their feet. He

didn’t see any threats. Whoever had opened fire on them had

retreated by now.

“Did he get eyes on the shooter?” Hagan shouted as he

jogged out to join Kelly. He stood on his tiptoes to catch sight of Nick and the man he was chasing.


They could see both men dodging passersby, veering out

into the road as the chase carried them toward the massive

intersection that Kelly was pretty sure bordered Boston


“He’s gaining on him,” JD said. He had joined them

without Kelly realizing it.

Kelly glanced around, then put a hand on JD’s shoulder.

“You need to get back inside, come on.”

Several cops had been eating at the pub, both on and off

duty, and they streamed out to help contain the scene. Hagan

stood in the doorway, cal ing in the incident and requesting

backup for his partner, who was in pursuit of a suspect.

Kelly finally gave in and climbed on top of the ruined car

Nick had taken cover behind. He stretched to see down the

narrow street, trying to find either man. He finally caught

sight of Nick, trudging back down the sidewalk, alone.

“Oh, he’s going to be so pissed,” Hagan grumbled as soon

as Kelly relayed the information.

When Nick got closer, he was indeed fuming.