Page 71 of Cross & Crown

accompanied by the pops of gunfire. Nick lunged for a nearby

car, glancing back at the others. They were still inside the

restaurant. Kelly had gotten them to cover as soon as he’d

sensed that Nick had seen something.

Nick drew his gun and crouched behind the car, trying to

decide where the shots had originated. Was it Cross? No one

was that fast, the shots were coming from an entirely different location. If the shooter had been aiming for Nick, they’d

have hit him. The shots sprayed the door to the pub instead,

ruining the entryway, gouging holes in the brick and mortar.

“Doc!” Nick shouted above the din. He couldn’t see any

of them, and he prayed they’d gotten to cover.


Just as quickly as it had begun, it was over. An

otherworldly silence fell on the normally bustling street.

Nick waited a few breaths before peering over the top of

the car. All he saw were people flattened on the sidewalks,

covering their heads. No one was running. No one was

trying to conceal a weapon.

Glass tinkled behind him, and Nick saw Kelly crouching

against the doorframe, gaze raking the street.

“You okay?” he called to Nick.

Nick nodded. He gestured for Kelly to retreat back

into the restaurant, and Kelly immediately backed into the

dim interior. Nick peered over the car again. People were

cautiously raising their heads, crying, looking around like

frightened animals in an earthquake.

Then one man rose calmly to his feet, brushed off his

black overcoat, and began walking down the sidewalk as if

nothing had happened.

Nick stood. “Cross!”