Page 215 of Cross & Crown

obviously having snuck in from the kitchen. He had Nick’s

gun in his hand, but he wasn’t pointing it anywhere. Yet.

“JD,” Nick said in warning.

“Hunt!” Alex called.

Kelly hummed under his breath, and the sound vibrated

through Nick’s entire body. They pressed closer together, their 215

first instinct when they were hemmed in. “There are way too

many people here.”

“Everyone stay calm,” Nick said in a loud, clear voice. “We

can all leave here with what we want. No one has to get hurt.”

“He keeps that gun pointed at my husband, and someone

will indeed be hurt,” Julian snarled.

“Tell him to put his gun down,” Southie shouted, nodding

his head at Nick. “Or I blow his head off!”

Nick felt Julian move, and Kelly tensed beside him but

couldn’t take his attention off Alex and her gun. Nick glanced

back in time to see Julian with the barrel of his gun aimed at


He sounded apologetic, but deadly serious. “Drop your

gun, O’Flaherty.”

The man on the floor groaned again and raised his head,

shaking off the stupor. He rolled to his stomach and began to

crawl toward his compatriot. His hand went to his belt, where

a backup weapon was likely hidden. Nick transferred his aim

to the man. “Stop!”

In rapid succession, Southie turned his gun from

Cameron’s head to Nick, and JD raised his gun and put it to

the back of Southie’s head.

“Don’t!” JD ordered.

No one moved.