Page 214 of Cross & Crown


A dark shadow passed in the corner of Nick’s vision.

“You might want to let him go,” Nick warned.

“Fuck you! Put your guns down or he gets one in the

skul !”


The door creaked open behind Nick, and Kelly turned

to cover their new guests as Nick kept his gun on the

Southie kid.

“Looks like we’re having a party.” It was the smooth

honey tones of Alex. “Are we invited?” She moved around

the corner, a gun pointed at Nick.

“Drop your weapon,” Kelly ordered.

“You first. Ladies can’t be too careful these days.”

“All of you drop your weapons!” the Southie kid shouted.

“Cam, stay calm,” Nick called across the room. There were

way too many guns in play now. Nick moved just enough

to put his shoulder to Kelly’s, both of them facing opposite

directions in the middle of the two forces.

“Cameron?” Julian called. He stepped out into the open.

Nick couldn’t see him, but he could tell where he was from

his heavy footsteps on the old floorboards. He felt Kelly tense against him.

“Julian!” Cameron cried. He tensed, but the gun at his

cheek dug deeper.

“Don’t fucking move!” Southie shouted.

The man on the floor groaned, and Nick turned, preparing

to deliver another swift kick to the man’s temple.

“Don’t,” a new voice said urgently. “He’s got information

we need.”

Nick’s head jerked up. JD was standing behind Southie,