the bloodiest part of the Battles of Lexington and Concord.”
“Where is it?”
“It was in a town called Menotomy. Where is that?”
“That’s what the town of Arlington used to be called,”
Nick said as he stuck the keys in the ignition. “It’s not far
from here.”
Nick pulled out of the parking lot, sliding his sunglasses
on. Kelly grinned at him, kicking his feet up onto the
dashboard. “I know I always used to make fun of you and
Owen for being history nerds, but I got to say, it’s kind of
doing it for me right now.”
Nick glanced at him, and the sun flashed in his aviators.
Kelly nodded, still smiling widely. “The way you just pull
facts out of your head like it’s magic? It’s hot.”
Nick chuckled and returned his attention to the road.
“O’Flaherty?” Hagan’s voice came from the phone on
Nick’s lap. Nick picked it up and held it against the steering
“Hey, what you got for me?”
“What do you mean?” Hagan asked.
“The letters you were supposed to be reading over. Have
you found anything?”
“Bro, you took the letters with you.”
Nick looked down sharply, then at Kelly. “We didn’t take
anything,” Nick told Hagan.
“Your buddy Cross came in before you left, told me you
wanted him and JD to skim over the letters last night for a
lead. Said you’d decided they would catch more than I could.”
“Fuck!” Nick shouted.
“Did I get played by a CIA hit man?” Hagan asked