“Fuck, fuck, fuck! That’s why Cross ditched us, and that’s
why he wasn’t interested in finding anything on the bridge.
He has the right location already.”
Kelly leaned forward and flipped the flashing lights on.
“We better get there first then, huh?”
Nick gunned the engine, and the Range Rover roared to
life as he gave Hagan their destination. Kelly settled back to
enjoy the ride.
Nick wasn’t trying to hide the Range Rover. It was a
distinctive car, especially since everybody and their brother
had seen him driving it. He wanted the other players in this to know he was there, that he and Kelly weren’t the stupid grunts
they’d assumed.
So he parked it right on the street in front of the swinging
white sign that denoted the Jason Russell House. “Site of the
bloodiest fighting between the Minutemen and the Redcoats
on the first day of the American Revolution,” it claimed.
Kelly gave him a questioning glance, then got out of the
car. Between them they only had two guns, and they each
carried a knife. Nick had a feeling his badge wasn’t going to be a lot of help to them when this all went down.
“What’s our play?” Kelly asked.
Nick clucked his tongue. “JD and his accomplices in
handcuffs. Help Cross retrieve Cameron and then kick his
fuckingass. And the location of any possible treasure in the hands of the appropriate authorities.”
“Who are the appropriate authorities in this case?”
“I don’t know. Not me,” Nick growled, and they started
off across the lush lawn toward the large yellow house.
“What do you know about this site?” Kelly asked.