told Nick. There was something in his voice, though, a
taunt perhaps. Enjoyment. Kelly got the feeling that Mikey’s
attitude in regards to Nick’s sexual orientation was perhaps
the outlier in this organization. Keep your hands inside the
ride, indeed.
“Be gentle with that one,” Paddy warned, and he sounded
The bodyguard sniffed, then grabbed Nick’s arm and
turned him, shoving him against the wal . Nick hit hard,
slamming his face and chest. The man kicked Nick’s feet
apart, then pressed his hand against the back of Nick’s head
and rammed Nick’s cheek into the plaster again. Kelly jerked
to move, but Julian’s hand on his elbow stopped him. If they
started a fight here, they’d all leave the hotel in body bags.
Nick’s face was turned away from them, so Kelly couldn’t
see his eyes, couldn’t gauge his expression. Kelly gritted his
teeth, preparing to watch this guy manhandle his lover and
unable to do anything about it.
“Watch the suit, huh?” Nick said, and his voice was
deceptively calm.
The bodyguard laughed. As soon as he took a step back
and gave Nick enough room, Nick brought his elbow hard
into the man’s temple, then spun and kicked him, grabbing
for the holster under the man’s jacket and pul ing the gun
away as he stumbled back from the kick. It was all dizzyingly
fast, even for Kelly, who had seen the move plenty of times
With a few rapid flicks of his fingers, Nick had pulled the
slide off the Glock and dropped the magazine to the floor. He