stepped on the magazine, then dropped the gun and tossed
the slide toward Mikey, who caught it with a grin as wide as a
cartoon cat.
The bodyguard got to his feet again, glaring at Nick and
flexing his shoulders. His nose was bloody.
Paddy cackled gleefully. “Told you to be gentle with that
one. Now get the fuck on that door, both of you,” he added,
waving at the bodyguards. “Fucking useless bastards.”
They grudgingly took up their posts on the door, but
not before the bloody one pointed at Nick and murmured a
threat under his breath. Nick watched him, only turning back
to face Paddy once he was between JD and the bodyguard.
Paddy stood and came closer, opening his arms for a hug
that Nick returned stiffly. The mob boss pulled him close like
he was embracing a son, though, patting him on the back and
then on his head like a proud father might before pul ing him
over to the couches. “Been a while, Nicky.”
“No one calls him that anymore, boss,” Mikey informed
him with a cheeky grin.
Paddy gave Nick’s cheek an affectionate tap, then sat.
He gestured for all of them to take seats. Kelly was confused
again. Nick had been so tense, so worried, but this was a
warmer reception than Nick received at his own home when
he visited.
Paddy propped one leg on his other knee and reclined,
arms on the back of the sofa. He surveyed the four of them.
Julian had remained standing, his arms crossed. Mikey stood
beside him, hands in his pockets, looking at ease. JD and Kelly flanked Nick on the sofa. They waited silently while Paddy
looked them over.