Kelly was in many of them as well, and he and Nick had
always gravitated toward each other. Nick often wondered if
they’d just been completely blind to the attraction all those
years, or if the connection they shared went beyond romance
or attraction.
Nick stared at Kelly’s smiling face for a long time before
turning his attention back to JD, wondering at his intent
interest. “Are you . . . remembering something? You think you
were in service somehow? We could run your prints again,
expand the search.”
A blush crept over JD’s face. “No. Me? God no. I mean,
you saw how I reacted when the gunfire started.”
“Well, ducking and covering is the smart move, so no
judgment on my part.”
They both laughed, albeit uncomfortably, and Nick ran
a hand over his chin as he scanned the photos again. “Your
accent is Tidewater,” he told JD. “Means you spent at least
most of your youth in Virginia, near the coast. That area is
naval base central. These pictures might be attracting you
because you were a Navy brat.”
JD shook his head. He hesitated for a moment, then
glanced at Nick and gave him an embarrassed smile. “I was
just looking at you.”
Nick’s eyebrows jumped, and he grinned crookedly.
“Well, we were all young and handsome at some point.”
When Nick glanced at the array of pictures, he could feel
JD’s eyes still on him. Nick met his gaze with a growing sense
of dread.
“I prefer you now,” JD whispered.