Page 151 of Cross & Crown

Nick nodded, though he looked thoroughly disgusted

with himself. Kelly grabbed Nick’s face and kissed him. “I love you, you know that?”

“I know. I know I’m lucky,” Nick rumbled.

Kelly kissed him again. “Does this count as a fight?”

Nick hummed deeply. “It does if you want to rack up

makeup sex for next time.”

“We’ll count it as a fight then.”

Nick kissed him again, holding him tighter.

“Can I get a new suit too?” Kelly asked against his lips.

Nick bit him. “As long as I get to pick it out.”

The task didn’t take them particularly long. The suit

they wound up getting JD wasn’t perfectly tailored or


anything, but it was close enough to pass Nick’s rather

critical inspection. He also got JD a few more items of

clothing, because he’d been borrowing jeans from Nick and

shirts from Kelly, and neither fit him particularly well. JD

kept promising to repay him, but Nick shrugged it off in the

way only Nick could.

JD certainly looked more comfortable leaving the store in

clothes that fit him well.

Nick dropped Kelly and JD off at the marina and told

them to spiff up like they were getting a chance to walk the

high-dol ar street corner, then left them. They were supposed

to take a cab to meet up with Nick and Julian at the hotel that evening.

A few hours later, Kelly and JD were climbing out of a cab

and gawking at the odd building that was the Liberty Hotel.

It was made of brick, and laid out in the cross shape of an old prison, which Kelly knew it had once been. A huge decorative

window graced the front entrance, and a smiling doorman

greeted them as he held the door for them. Kelly craned his