Page 150 of Cross & Crown

at the scene. Nick and Kelly were sitting at Nick’s desk as Nick finished the report on their visit to the crime scene, and Kelly was still glaring at his lover.

Nick finally looked up, blinking at Kelly when he met

his eyes.

Nick put his pen down and glanced around the squad

room. He gestured for Kelly to come with him, and he stood,

heading for the stairwell. Once in private, Nick trailed his

fingers down Kelly’s cheek with a soft smile. “You’re pissed

at me.”

“Irritated, yes.”

Nick’s smile was gentle, almost amused. “What’d I do?”

“You’re being a little more cavalier than I’m used to seeing

you, it’s throwing me off.”


“I’m sorry,” Nick offered. He sounded sincere. “The

letters are important, you’re right. But I want Cross off the

streets, you with me? If he’s combing through letters, he’s not shooting up my city looking for Cameron.”

“Yeah, makes sense,” Kelly grudgingly acknowledged.

“What about me, though? Why am I sitting and watching

you do paperwork?”

Nick narrowed his eyes. “One, because it was you and not

me who cut the tape at the scene and I needed you to give me

the details.”

Kelly flushed and scrunched his nose. “Oh yeah.”

“Two . . . I need you to come somewhere with me.”

“To do what?”

“We need to buy JD a suit that’ll get him past security

for the meeting tonight. And I don’t feel like living through aPretty Womanscene today, so I want you with me.”

Kelly laughed before he could stop himself. “Wait so,

Hagan and Cross are delving into historical mysteries, and

we’re goingshopping?”