Page 43 of The Puck Chase

“Don’t fucking talk about my wife,” he grits, and I can’t help but smirk. Okay maybe pissing him off just a little more is fine.

“He’s right, Peters, you look miserable as fuck, do you want a cup of tea?” Alexander interrupts, leaning on the counter next to him, and this time I do roll my eyes.

“Not everything can be solved with a cup of fucking tea, Alexander,” I groan, sick of having this fucking argument with the British fucker, but he just smiles.

“That’s because you don’t appreciate a good Earl Grey,” he tosses back, still eyeing me like he knows something I don’t, before he adds, “It’s not my fault you prefer a darker blend.”

I open my mouth to respond, when Peters snaps. “What the fuck?” Making me turn my attention back to him, following his line of sight to Hallie.

She is surrounded by Brianna and her posse, and even from across the room I can tell she is uncomfortable. It was only a few weeks ago when we were in class together, and B was giving Hallie crap about her engagement to Josh. I thought we’d moved past it, but from the look on Hallie’s face right now, I can tell Brianna hasn’t.

“Oh fuck me, Brianna’s not starting her shit again is she?” I ask, tossing back my drink, not letting my stare stray from her for even a second.

“What the fuck do you mean again?” Josh snaps, turning towards me and looking like he wants to deck me, and I hold my hands up in defense.

“Hey, don’t kill the messenger,” I start, as he takes a step towards me. “She was giving Hallie shit in Econ a couple of weeks back, about you guys getting married.”

I've barely got the words out and he is already dumping his unfinished drink in the sink, storming towards the girls with a mask of fury. Alexander and I both curse, watching him go, before tossing our drinks back, and moving to follow after him.

“You know, for a mannot in love, he certainly looks pissed off when someone is bothering his wife,” I muse to my goalie, and he flips me off.

After their engagement was announced in the paper, and the news traveled across campus, Alexander called bullshit, claiming their marriage was either political, or that Hallie was pregnant. I disagreed with the cynical bastard, and after we attended their wedding, and Josh confirmed they weren’t harboring a secret love child, the two of us made a wager. Alexander is still convinced their marriage is some bullshit scheme, but I bet on the two of them being the real deal and going the distance. And with the way he is defending her honor right now, I think my money is safe.

“Everyone has secrets, Archer,” he tells me, looking at me sternly, before he adds, “Maybe we just haven’t uncovered theirs yet.”

I don’t bother responding, as we push our way through the hoards of people now surrounding Hallie, and by the time we get through them, Josh is angrier than I have ever seen him.

“And if you come near me or my wife again, or even think about disrespecting her in any way, then you better be careful, because I will ruin you so badly, that even dear old dad won’t beable to save you. Now I’ll tell you again, get the fuck out of my house.”

Oh shit. His words cut right to the bone, and I can’t help but feel sorry for Brianna as she looks two seconds away from crying, but she got herself into this mess. If she would have just left Hallie alone then none of this would be happening, yet I know it must hurt when she spies all of the team who are present, coming to their defense.

Yet my sympathy is quickly dashed away when Brianna tosses her drink at them, and it covers Hallie almost completely, as she screeches, “Fuck you, Josh.”

Which is when all hell breaks loose.

Maddie steps forward to defend her friend, slapping Brianna across the face, and when B moves to do the same in response, Nova is there instantly, grabbing her wrist in his hand. They share a heated exchange before Nova eventually sighs, “You’ve crossed the line for the last time, so just go.” I can tell he doesn’t feel good about doing it, and out of all of us, he has probably been with Brianna the most, but that was before Maddie.

Protecting his girl also means protecting his girl’s best friend, and I have no doubt Josh is probably kicking himself right now for the fact that Nova came to have his back.

Everyone watches as Brianna tucks her tail between her legs and leaves, while Josh instantly starts guiding Hallie away from them all, when a lethal tone cuts across the room. “Turn the music back on. Now.”

My head snaps around at the sound of his voice, more than familiar with the tone and who it belongs to, and I smirk when I find Daemon, standing half way down the stairs, glaring at everyone in sight. Of course, he is quickly obeyed. The party once again comes alive at his command, and Josh taps his shoulder in acknowledgement, as he passes him with Hallie.

Daemon’s eyes dance around the room until they meet mine, and I swear I see something in them, yet before I can determine what it is, he is turning on his heel and running back upstairs. He’s no doubt heading to hide in his room again, but I am sick of this game of cat and mouse, and whether he wants to admit it or not, we are in this thing together.

I rush to follow him, not caring if anyone sees me, making it to the top of the stairs just in time to see what bedroom he is going into. I’m there before he can shut the door, blocking it with my foot, and only closing it once I have slipped inside with him. With my back against his door, I smirk, as his eyes widen in surprise, before he lets that stupid blank mask of his fall back into place.

“What the fuck do you want, Gray?” he snaps, not bothering to try and force me to leave, as my stare begins to take in his room.

It’s dark and moody, just like him, and I find it fits him perfectly, and my eyes greedily scan the space, taking advantage of being in here. “I think I’ve made it pretty clear what I want, Forbes,” I reply instantly, noting the overflowing bookshelves, and the open sketchbook on his bed, and smiling softly.

“I’m really not in the mood to have this argument with you again,” he replies, sounding tired, as he turns to face me, and I am there in an instant, forcing my way into his personal space, relishing in the way his eyes dilate as they meet mine.

“Are you really going to look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want me?” I force out, feeling the nerves building up the back of my spine, but holding his stare all the same.

Which means I don’t miss the tension in his jaw as he spits, “You’re ArcherfuckingGray, everyone wants you.” I’m not sure he realizes the admission he just delivered with that statement, yet it has my heart hammering in my chest anyway.

“You’re right,” I nod, stepping close enough that I can feel the rise and fall of his chest against mine. “I could go downstairs right now, and probably take my pick of who to spend my night with, yet here I stand.”