Page 42 of The Puck Chase

My message is read almost instantly, and I don’t even know why I responded. I don’t want to talk to my brother, the time for talking has passed. And after what happened to Ryan, he lost his chance at being part of my life, no matter what he says or does, it won’t change anything, so he should stop trying.

My phone vibrates again, and I brace myself for his response, yet to my surprise, the new message isn’t from my brother. No, it’s from the stalker standing right next to me. I flick my eyes toArcher, but he is talking to Reign like nothing is happening, and I can’t help but be curious as to what he’s sent me.

Opening his message, my eyes fly across the screen, and I have to bite my lip to keep myself from smirking at what he wrote.

Gray - Whoever the hell Jasper is, tell him to fuck off

Again I glance his way, but he still isn’t looking at me.

Daemon - Stalking me isn’t enough, you have to read my texts too?

The second he receives my message, his eyes drop down to his phone and he smirks, glancing up to meet my stare, as he turns back towards his locker.

Gray - It’s called taking an interest

Gray - You should try it sometime

My eyes can’t help but ghost back over him, taking in his still half-naked frame, and even wearing boxers with fucking Christmas trees on them, he looks like he was sculpted for a damn museum.

Daemon - So sucking your cock wasn’t taking an interest?

He smirks as he reads my message, shaking his head as he types out his response.

Gray - I’m not sure I remember it well enough after you’ve been ignoring me so much

Gray - Maybe we should go again and I can let you know?

Daemon - If you’re that desperate for attention, I’m sure there will be plenty of girls at the party tonight willing to suck your cock

As soon as I send the words I regret them, the thought of anyone else going near him makes bile rise in my throat, but like I said, he isn’t mine. He can never be mine.

Gray - See that’s the thing you don’t seem to be grasping

Gray - The only thing I’m desperate for, is you

I’ve barely read the words before he is tossing his phone in his locker and slamming it shut, and all I can do is stand there frozen, as he starts going through the motions of getting ready. Given how soon the game starts, some of the team are already on the ice warming up, and I know I need to get ready too, but after reading his message, I am frozen in place.

I watch as person after person leaves, and by the time I finally drag on my jersey, only Archer and I are left in the locker room, as Coach storms from his office. “Hurry up, you little shits,” he spits, as he heads towards the ice, and I finish getting ready.

Archer reaches for his stick, moving to follow after him and before I can stop myself, my arm snaps out to grip his, halting us in place. “We need to talk,” I grit, glancing around to make surewe are truly alone, only to come back and find him watching me with a cocked brow.

“About how this can’t happen?” he asks cockily, and I find myself nodding in surprise, but before I can respond, he slams me against my locker, his stick pressing against my chest, as his lips capture mine in a furious kiss.

Our mouths instantly become one, moving together in perfect sync, until his hot, wet tongue trails along my lips, begging for entrance. My mouth opens with a grunt, which he greedily swallows, and then he is kissing me like he’s mine, like I’m his, and suddenly nothing else matters.

He pulls away all too quickly, leaving me breathless, as he smirks. “Save whatever bullshit you were about to feed me, because this mouth might tell me lies,” he exhales, roughly swiping his thumb across my lips. “But your body doesn’t,” he adds, leaning in to capture my mouth one more time, before he pushes away from me and heads to the ice.

And all I can do is watch him leave, realizing that somehow the entire time he’s been pissing me off, he has managed to get beneath my skin in a way I thought I was immune to.Fuck.

The party is in full swing, and I couldn’t give less of a fuck, because the one person I came here to see is locked away in his room like a damn pussy. If I knew he was going to be this hard to pursue, I wouldn’t have fucking pushed him in the first place. Okay, that’s a lie. My obsession with him is real, and I am only just starting to realize that it might have been going on for a lot longer than just the last couple of months.

Avoiding the multiple girls who have already tried to hit on me, I storm into the kitchen, pretending my mind isn’t assaulted by images of Daemon, sucking my cock like a man possessed. Internally groaning, I reach for a bottle of something to pour myself yet another drink, having lost count of how many I’ve already had, and spy Peters looking out on the party like he’s as pissed off as I am.

“You okay there, killer?” I ask, filling up my cup while eyeing him, not in the mood to piss him off. Well, no more than I already have today.

“I’m fine, Gray,” he lies, and I almost roll my eyes, no wonder he’s best friends with Daemon. The two of them are both grumpy assholes, the moody fuckers deserve one another.

“For someone who just gained himself a smoking hot wife, you look like someone pissed on your parade,” I muse, nodding to Alexander as he approaches us.