“Then fuck me nice and slow, husband, I want to make sure you can feel me squeeze every inch of you.”
Fuck, her mouth is wicked, which is how I find myself sliding my cock up and down her slit, before slowing sinking inside to the hilt. Her pussy spasms around me instantly, and I do exactly what she asked. I fuck her slow, with long, steady snaps of my hips, until she is begging for more, yet I don’t stop. I can’t stop, not until she has come twice around my dick, and only then do I grind my hips against her in small but quick circles, until my own release fills her up completely.
I drop my forehead to hers, letting our panted breaths mix together, until I can finally breathe again. Then I kiss her slowly and sweetly. “Merry Christmas, Hals,” I whisper against her mouth, and she smiles, and for once I don’t dread this damn holiday.
Once we both climb out of bed and shower, Hallie insists on us wearing the matching pajamas she bought us covered in penguins, and we head down to the kitchen to search for coffee and breakfast.
“I hope you got me more than your dick for Christmas,” Hallie scolds as we reach the kitchen, and to my surprise there is already bacon and eggs keeping warm in the pan.
Daemon is sitting at the counter nursing what I am going to presume is around his fourth cup of coffee, while reading an old and battered copy ofThe Great Gatsby.He offers us both the slight tip of his head as a good morning, but when his eyes scan across us, I see a ghost of a smirk tug at the corner of his mouth. “Nice PJs,” he grunts, turning the page and focusing back on his book.
I snort a laugh at my wife, ignoring Daemon, because these pajamas are awesome and comfy as fuck, and pour both me and Hallie a cup of coffee.
“Hals, don’t act like my dick isn’t the best present you’ve ever had, but I knew you’d chop it off if I didn’t get you actual gifts, so yes I got you more than my dick for Christmas,” I muse, turning round to lean on the counter and find her blushing furiously. Fuck she looks good in the morning, even covered in penguins.
“Such a good husband,” she coos, picking up an envelope on the table with both our names on it, and slipping out a piece of paper from inside.
“What is it?” I ask, sipping my coffee, and she doesn’t even look up, her eyes tracking every part of the paper in awe.
I shove off the counter and move to peer over her shoulder, only to find a sketch of us from our wedding day. It’s so detailed that it may as well be a black and white photograph, and I don’t know what I am more surprised about, the fact it’s such a good drawing, or the fact he even let us see it in the first place.
“This is amazing,” Hallie finally breathes, devouring every part of it, before her eyes dance up to meet mine and then flick over to my best friend. “Daemon, is this from you?” she asks, and his eyes flick to hers nervously, before he nods gently.
Daemon never shows anyone his art, in fact I think outside of me and his art professor, Hallie is the first person to see it in years.
“He’s an amazing artist, not that he ever usually shows anyone his work,” I reply, giving him a stern look, and he grunts, but I just can’t get over how unbelievably talented he is and the fact that he chooses to hide it.
“Daemon this is breathtaking,” she smiles, shaking her head in disbelief, and looking at the piece of art as if it is the most precious thing she has ever been given, before she adds, “Although you kind of stole my idea.” She rolls her eyes, taking the picture with her, as she moves to the small Christmas tree we have set up in the corner, and grabs one of the boxes.
We always buy each other a present on Christmas and birthdays, we always have, but I’m not sure if my gift this year is overstepping the mark a little. I just hope it can allow us to broach the topic of being more than just a business deal.
I let Hallie go first, and when she slides the present over the island towards me, her smile is smug. “This might be the best present I ever got you,” she preens, and my interest is thoroughly peaked.
I put my coffee down and rip into the paper, revealing a long, flat, slim box, and when I take off the lid I find a picture from our wedding.
“It’s a wedding picture,” she offers pointlessly, coming around the island to stand by my side to admire it with me.
“I can see that, Hals, but this is just a picture of you, I’m not even in it,” I laugh, flicking my stare between her and the picture, and she rolls her eyes.
“Joshua, if you're so desperate to see yourself, look in the mirror, this picture is perfect,” she grumbles, moving to slide into one of the seats, and taking a drink of her coffee.
I flick it around to show Daemon and he smirks again, the biggest one I have ever probably seen from him on a day that he hates so much, before I focus back on the photograph. She’s right, the picture is perfect, it’s one of the only ones the photographer took of her alone, and she looks absolutely stunning, but she looks just as stunning right now perched on the chair in her penguin pajamas, sipping her drink.
“Why do I need the picture when I have the real thing?” I ask, moving to drop a kiss to her shoulder, before I head to the tree to grab the gift I got for her.
“It’s to put with the other two in your room, so all your future conquests know that you belonged to me first,” she teases, and now it’s my turn to roll my eyes. She really has no idea how deep in this thing I am with her.
I slide the small, wrapped box onto the counter in front of her, and then move to plate us both some breakfast as I toss over my shoulder, “I thought we already covered that the only Mr. Hallie Rose Sanders will be me, so stop trying to get rid of me.” I place the plates in front of us and take a seat at her side, watching as she gently unwraps the gift with shaking hands. When she sees the black velvet jewelry box, her eyes instantly flick to mine and I laugh, “Don’t worry, it’s not another ring.”
Daemon snorts, but there is no humor on Hallie’s face as she focuses back on the box. Flicking it open she reveals a small, dainty chain, silver in color because she never wears gold, with a little letter J dangling from it. The letter has a small green diamond at the bottom to match her ring, and I panic slightly at her silence. Maybe she hates it? Maybe it’s too much?
Her eyes flick to mine and I see the question in them before she even voices it, so I quickly rush out, “It’s from that Taylorsong you like, you know the one about wearing his initials on a chain round your neck.”
“Not because he owns me but cause he really knows me,” she whispers, and I nod at the sound of the lyrics, as her focus turns back to the necklace.
“Josh, I don’t even know what to say,” she starts, and panic curls in my throat. “You don’t have to say anything,” I’m quick to say, and I swear I can feel Daemon’s smirk from here in my panic.
“It’s beautiful,” she cuts me off, pulling it from the box, and instantly passing it over to me, before giving me her back, and swiping her hair up to allow me to put it on. My hands are steadier than I feel as I pull it around her neck and fasten it, before she lets her hair drop, and looks down on it. “It’s perfect, I love it, thank you,” she tells me, turning round and pulling my head down to hers.