Page 75 of The Puck Decoy

I know the moment that Josh is ready to explode, because he releases my throat and grips my hips in both hands, slamming me back down onto his cock roughly. I toss my head back against his shoulder, closing my eyes, too sensitive to see or do anything but take him, and with one last snap of his hips, he is coming with a loud groan.

I am panting and breathless against him, my whole body trembling from the aftermath of his onslaught, and when he trails his mouth up my neck, all I can do is purr like a damn kitten.

“Fuck, Tink, what the hell am I going to do with you,” he grits against my skin, his words burning like fire, and when I open my eyes to look at him, I find him staring at me intensely. “You okay?” he asks softly, and my eyes flick over to where Daemon was standing, but I find him already gone.

“Have you ever done anything like that before?” I whisper, and I don’t know why but he barks a laugh, like what i just said was the funniest thing he has ever heard.

“Hallie, I have never done anything like what I do with you,” he murmurs, pulling me in for another kiss as if he can’t stand not having the taste of me in his mouth. Yet I’m not sure what he sees on my face, because he sighs gently, pulling us back into thechair, his cock still inside of me, as he adds, “Fucking for me was always just an outlet, I was in, out, then gone. You’re the only person I have ever had more with, or wanted more with.”

His words light me up inside, only now that my lust haze has passed, I can’t help but wonder why he let Daemon watch us, no matter how hot and enjoyable it was.

“How do you know Daemon likes to watch?” I ask, searching his stare, as his hands start to rub all over my body again.

“It’s his thing,” he shrugs. “Never with me before, but I’ve heard rumors about him, hard not to sometimes.” I mean he’s not wrong, there is more gossip at FU than there was in high school, there is always something, yet I remember the night on Halloween.

Daemon was watching Archer not me, and just now, his eyes didn’t stay on me, they trailed over my husband too. So was he watching me, or them?

Those questions aren’t mine to answer, nor are the answers my concern, so instead I focus back on Josh as I ask, “And what’s your thing?”

“You,” he replies instantly and without thought, and I blush harder than when he just fucked me in front of his friend.

“Then why did you just let your best friend watch me come?” I question with a smile, not sure if I will ever be able to look Dameon in the eye again after what just happened. Thank god Landon and Levi didn’t realize what we were doing as they left.

“Because I know you’re mine,” his answer is just as quick as the last, and hope soars inside of my chest. “The whole town could watch me fuck you and it wouldn’t make you any less mine, you’ve got my ring on your finger and my last name, you belong to me and no one else,” he adds, and his words shouldn’t delight me, they shouldn’t have me feeling needy to let him fuck me again, but apparently I don’t have a limit when it comes to my husband. “Now stand up so I can watch my cum dripdown your legs, wife,” he purrs, pushing me off his dick and to my feet, his growl scraping against my very soul, as I feel his release sliding down my skin. “Turn around,” he commands, and I do instantly, looking down at him, but his eyes remain firmly between my thighs.

Then he is dragging his fingers through his cum, collecting it up, before rising to his feet with it dripping from his ring finger. I know his next demand before he can even voice it out loud, and I open my mouth and wrap my lips around his finger, licking it clean completely, making him groan.

When I pull back, his lips are on mine before I can take my next breath, and for the first time since this started, I forget about the rules, I forget about the deal, and I let myself feel that this is all real. That feeling only intensifies when he dips down and picks me up, wrapping my legs around him, and moving towards the stairs.

“Come on, wife, you can swallow my dick in the shower like you just did my finger, before I lay you out and show you the only person who will ever own you again is your husband.”

I’ve never agreed to something so fast in my life.

If someone would have told me three months ago, that I’d be waking up on Christmas morning with my wife wrapped around me naked, I would have laughed. If they’d have told me that my wife would be Hallie, I would have thought they were downright insane, yet here we are. Yesterday was easily one of the best days I have ever had, from the public claiming of her on the sofa, to watching her head bob back and forth on my dick, while I fisted her wet hair in the shower, and don’t even get me started on the ten orgasms I gave her with my tongue. Yes, ten, one for every year I have known her. I’m a gentleman like that. Yet none of that compares to how it felt when I sunk my dick inside her and took her nice and slow, her body trembling, and face stained in tears of pleasure.

Fuck. That image isn’t one I will forget anytime soon.

We also enjoyed a quiet dinner with Daemon, which to my surprise wasn’t awkward in the slightest. I’ve known Daemon for a long time, and despite our strong friendship he still keeps me at arm’s length, but that doesn’t mean I don’t notice things about him, whether he wants me to or not. I’ve seen him around girls, I mean they practically throw themselves at him, yet I have never seen him indulge with any of them. Most people presume that whatever dark secrets are lurking in his past are the reason, but I think it’s something else entirely. Which is why when I saw him come down the stairs yesterday I didn’t stop, because I knew he’d enjoy the show without showing any true interest in my wife.

No, I’ve figured out he’s interested in chasing something different entirely.

Hallie is still sleeping softly in my arms, and all I can do is watch her like some sort of stalker. The eye mask is still firmly across her head, and Percy is tucked dutifully under her arm, but the only thing I can truly focus on is where her legs are tangled with mine. The weight of her body against mine is like a drug, and despite the fact my father will soon be in prison, and our deal will no longer be required, I can’t see myself letting her go.

The thought plagues me for almost an hour until she begins stirring in my arms, her ass rubbing on my very interested dick, just like it always does. When she tries to move, I nuzzle her neck one last time, before I loosen my arms and let her stretch out. When she pushes the mask off her eyes, she blinks a few times before she focuses on me and groans.

“Why are you watching me sleep you pervert?” she grumbles, turning over and tucking her head into my chest.

I still marvel at how comfortable she is with me, how easily she lets me touch her, how much she seeks it out, and it’s all I can do not to beg her to stay in this bed with me forever. My hands reach down to her hips and pull her against me, wrappingone of her thighs over my waist, and tucking her against me even tighter, yet still it’s not enough.Will it ever be enough?

“Maybe your snoring woke me up,” I tease, and her fingers reach up and pinch my nipple sharp and tight until I yelp. “Ow, what the hell was that for?”

She shrugs in my arms. “It’s too early, I don’t have the energy to dick punch you yet.”

My cock leaps at just the mention of the word dick, and I lean down and press soft kisses to her ear as I ask, “Is it too early to do other stuff to my dick?” I roll my hips against her, letting her feel my erection that is no longer just morning wood, and completely for her.

“You’re insatiable,” she murmurs, pushing her hands around my neck, and lining my jaw with kisses.

“Nope, just addicted to the feeling of my wife’s pussy wrapped around me,” I tell her truthfully, rolling her onto her back, and spreading her thighs so I can rest comfortably between them.