“How strange it is, bound, knowing you’re going to f**k me hard in a place that’s not used to hard f**king. I’m still hazy and glowy from that orgasm, so I wonder if I’m dreaming. But my heart is racing. My blood is pounding in my temples, my ears, my throat, my chest, and even between my legs.”

“Pounding in fear?” Kyle asked, squirting lubricant in a thick line down the seam between his first and second fingers.

“No, that’s what so strange. My whole body is like one big, throbbing mass.”

“Mmm.” He leaned over and captured her earlobe between his teeth while he inserted a finger in her ass.

When Lainie reared up, his body absorbed the startled motion. He said, “Relax,” and inserted another finger. Once both fingers were inside her, he fluttered the slick digits open and closed, trying to stretch muscles that didn’t want to be stretched.

She was as ready as he could made her.

He applied gel to the pink pucker and added more lube to his cock. Aiming at the tiny entrance, he commanded, “Push out to me.”

The second he felt that give, the slight relaxing, he plowed forward. Once. Twice. Three times. Stopping on the fourth thrust to feel the sphincter clamp down on the thickest part of his shaft. While he remained lodged there, Kyle plucked up the candle and slipped it between her legs.

“What is that?”

“A makeshift dildo.” He rubbed it up and down her slit lengthwise. “You want it in this wet cunt? So you know how it’ll be to have both me ’n’ Hank f**king you?”

“I’ll wait for the real thing . . . oh, God,” she said when he pulled out completely.

Gripping her hips, he set to f**king her hard. It was right there. Kyle gritted out, “Bear down on me.”

She did and Kyle f**king lost it. His body vibrated with every hot expulsion of his seed. Over and over. The sheer blinding pleasure had him squeezing his eyes shut. His mouth hung open and he might’ve actually . . . howled.

Christ. Talk about a mindblower. His fingers dug into Lainie’s flesh as the last vestiges of his orgasm threatened to topple him from the damn bed.

Seeing her waiting, Kyle yanked off her shirt, freeing her arms. Then he braced one hand by her head and slipped the other between her thighs. He fingered her clit while remaining embedded in her ass. “Help me get you off.”

“Move your finger faster. Yes. Like that. No, don’t slide it down. Keep it right there and, oh, sweet Jesus, yes, yes!”

Her cunt muscles clamped down as her clitoris pulsed. He felt every contraction. He hardly dared breathe as he listened to her come. The last thing he wanted was to f**k this up for her, after taking her ass so ruthlessly. The sexy gasps and the tightening of Lainie’s anal muscles would be enough to get Kyle hard again—if he hadn’t just come like a fiend.

She hissed when Kyle pulled out of her ass and dropped to the mattress.

He returned from the bathroom with a hot washcloth and gently rolled her over. She still wore the blindfold and she didn’t say anything beyond making a contented purr as he wiped the front of her body. Three times he rewarmed the rag with hot water, enjoying taking care of her in a nonsexual way.

Somehow he removed the top sheet, with the flakes of dried wax, as she lay on the bed. He dragged the comforter over them and slid the blindfold free as he kissed her.

Released from captivity, Lainie’s wild hair brushed his cheek and forehead. He chuckled and opened his eyes to find her already looking at him. “What?”

“I like that you don’t treat me like a delicate flower. I like that you’re kinky, bull rider. I like that you took the time to play with me today. Not just in the bedroom, but before, at the carnival. That was something new for me.” She pressed her mouth to his. “So thank you for tonight.”

“My pleasure.” And it was. Kyle couldn’t wipe the smug smile off his face that he’d given Lainie something that no man had.

But he still wondered if it was enough.

Chapter Sixteen

Hank scored a parking spot in the Metra Park in Billings. No place to hook up, but it was free. It’d be hours until the contestants’ area opened at the roundup grounds.

It’d been hard as hell, getting comfortable in the truck cab. Around hour four, Hank cursed Kyle’s name pretty severely. Especially since on the night Hank spent with Lainie, Kyle had his own damn bedroom with an actual bed, not the cramped cab of a pickup. Kicking him out of his own camper so they could f**k seemed unfair.

You’re just worried Kyle is wowing her with sexual tricks that’ll make your seduction scenes laughable.

Screw this.

He snatched his sleeping gear and trudged to the camper. Inside, he threw his bedding into the upper bunk and sat on the bench to remove his boots. Each movement took longer than the last, and Hank knew that if he didn’t get in that bunk soon, he’d sleep where he fell.

A considerate friend would give them a heads-up that you’re here, in case the sexual screams of ecstasy get out of hand.

Dread weighted his stomach like an anvil as he opened the bedroom door and poked his head in.

Naked Lainie was sprawled on her stomach, facing away from naked Kyle. Hank’s gaze moved to the rumpled sheet on the floor, then to the candles poking up out of the nightstand next to the packs of rubbers and the bottle of lube.

Son of a bitch. Resentment arose. Thick. Sharp. Bitter.

First Kyle bought her flowers? He took her on carnival rides and won her a stupid stuffed giraffe? And then the smarmy bastard finished off his night of seduction with candles? Jesus. No f**king way could Hank compete. He just wasn’t that smooth.