You’d better get smooth if you want a level playing field. If you want a serious shot at winning Lainie for good.

But how? He sucked at this kind of stuff. Which was why one-night stands worked best for him. Fuck and leave. He hadn’t dreamed he’d have to come up with some romantic shit to keep Lainie interested.

Kyle grunted and rolled over, looking at Hank groggily. “What’s up?”

“We’re in Billings at Metra Park. I’m so damn tired I can’t keep my eyes open. Wanted to let you know I’m crashing for a few hours in the upper bunk.”

“Thanks. When Lainie starts stirring, I’ll warn her to be quiet. I’m gonna catch another couple of hours of shut-eye myself.”

Hank waited for Kyle to toss off something flip, like that he and Lainie hadn’t done a whole lot of sleeping last night, but Kyle turned on his side and hunkered into his pillow.


Hank lumbered up the ladder to the sleeping berth and closed the heavy vinyl curtains. Flopped on his back, staring at the backs of his eyelids didn’t spur his creativity in the seduction department. Was he supposed to shower her with gifts? Another thought occurred to him. Kyle knew his way around a guitar. What if he started writing love songs? Serenading her by a campfire? Or in the moonlight? How could Hank compete with that? Would Lainie expect him to pen poetry?

For f**k’s sake, snap out of it. You’re so goddamn tired you’re actually considering writing a tribute to her tits just to one-up your friend. Go to sleep.

He jerked the sleeping bag over his head and conked out.

Hank was having the best dream about being pillowed between Lainie’s lush br**sts when he heard, “Hank?”

He peeled his eyes open.

Lainie was right there, lying next to him.

Her cool fingertips drifted across his cheek. “Morning.”

“Morning. What time is it?”

“Almost eleven.”

“Christ. I feel like I’m in a time warp. Did Kyle get checked in?”

“Yep. You slept like the dead. Didn’t move even when we drove the camper to the fairgrounds.”

“I was tired. It ain’t so comfy sleeping in the truck cab, that’s for damn sure.”

“I don’t imagine it is.” She leaned over and pressed her lips to his. “Thank you for giving Kyle last night. I don’t get why being alone with me is such a big bonus to either of you, but now Kyle feels he was treated fairly, so he’s happy.”

Hank said, “Did he make you happy?” even when he knew he shouldn’t have asked.

Lainie blinked at him.

“Sorry. Never mind. You don’t have to answer.”

“You both make me happy. That’s why you’re sharing me, remember? I told you guys I wouldn’t choose. I still won’t.”

Didn’t she know he and Kyle were hoping that was exactly what she’d do? Pick one man over the other? His best option at this point was to deflect. “Isn’t Kyle back yet?”

“He’s waiting around to see if his new buddy Breck is hitting this event or if he swung over to one in North Dakota. I’m also supposed to tell you he called Red Lodge and confirmed he’s competing there tonight.” She frowned. “Why don’t all places have the call-in option? It’d be easier than racing from town to town to make the entry cutoff times.”

“The only places with the call-in option are when there are two events very close together and only hours apart in start times. Like Billings and Red Lodge. Most competitors hit both events. Neither venue wants to lose the entry fees or make the contestants choose. So they work together, but it’s not the norm.”


“Anyway, what about you? Did you scope out the medical-services situation while I was sawing logs?”

“I wasn’t sure it’d be a good idea. I didn’t want to get stuck here when we’re racing to make the Red Lodge rodeo. Plus, since it’s probably my turn to drive, I should rest up while you guys are in the arena.” Lainie rubbed at the bristle on his face. “I haven’t driven yet. I expect to pull my weight, Hank.”

“Neither of us has a problem telling you what we want or need, do we?”

She shook her head and kept stroking his morning beard.

“Sorry. I’ll shave.”

“No. Don’t. I like this rough side of you.” She smiled. “Which is why it’s so hard to ask you if I can have a hug.”

A hug. Lainie wanted to hug him? Hank’s gaze tried to catch hers, but she’d ducked her face from view. “Sure, darlin’, hug away. Whenever you want. You don’t even have to ask.”

Lainie crawled right on top of him. Tucking her head under his chin and stretching her body the length of his. She expelled a soft, feminine sigh.

“Something goin’ on?”

“Like what?”

“Like why you’re bein’ so damned cuddly all of a sudden.”

“You don’t like it?”

Hank clamped his hands on her ass when she attempted to squirm away. “Of course I like it. Just surprised me, that’s all.” He trailed his fingers up and down her spine. Soothing her, because something had spooked her.

Or someone. Maybe Kyle had taken things too far last night. Hank wouldn’t push her for answers, even if it killed him, because he hated to be grilled when he wanted time to think things through.

They remained wrapped together for the longest time.