“We have company.”
He lifts his head off me, opens his eyes, and pinches his eyebrows together. “Do you see two of Reagan Daulton, or is it just me?”
There are legitimately two of her. One is wearing a blue pantsuit and the other pink.
Both Reagans laugh. The one in pink says, “I was right. Definitely hotter in person.”
Blue Reagan elbows her in a teasing fashion. “Don’t harass my employees.”
I shake my head. “What is happening? Are you twins? Reagan, you have a twin?”
Blue Reagan smiles. “We get that a lot. This is my cousin, Jade.” She points to pink Reagan, who apparently is named Jade. She’s holding a can of something. I try to make out what it is.
My vision must be blurry. It can’t be what it looks like. “What are you drinking, pink Reagan…err Jade?”
She holds up the can. “Pussy Juice. It’s anall-naturalenergy drink. I love Pussy Juice in the morning. Layton, how about you? Do you drink Pussy Juice in the morning?”
I feel him smile into my neck before crooning, “Only if it’s manufactured in Arizona.”
Both Reagans start laughing. I can’t help but join in.
Real Reagan pulls fake Reagan’s arm. “Let them get dressed. Arizona, we’ll meet you both in my office in ten minutes. Everyone is already there waiting for you.”
I nod. “Thanks.”
When they disappear, Layton sighs. “Shit. Are we in trouble for being here? Is this trespassing?”
I shake my head. “No. I arranged it with Reagan ahead of time. I scheduled a meeting with her and a few others for this morning.”
“Who else is coming?”
“Tanner and Reagan’s mom, Darian. She’s a corporate attorney.”
“What’s the meeting about?”
I smile, excited to finally tell him what I’ve been working on. “I’ve spent two months staring at that damn contract with Fantasy Suits, trying to find a loophole. Two weeks ago, one occurred to me. I ran it by Tanner, and he loved it. He set a few things in motion for me. Reagan’s mom specializes in these kinds of contracts. I should have hired her in the first place. I won’t make that mistake again. We’re going to discuss it with her, and if you’re game, the days of Michael Longley and Butch McVey pulling our strings are quickly coming to an end. And we get to burn Fantasy Suits for being assholes on the way out.”
His face lights up like it’s Christmas morning. “Whatever it is, I’m game.”
Thirty minutes later,Layton is grinning like a Cheshire Cat. His reaction far exceeded my expectations, in the best way possible.
Reagan’s mom, Darian, shakes her head in disbelief. “I can’t say this would have ever occurred to me. It’s brilliant. Maybe you should go to law school, Arizona.”
I can’t help but smile. “Maybe I will.”
“It’s a little risky, but in my opinion, you’re legally correct. If they go after you, I think you’ll prevail, but that won’t prevent them from possibly suing you. I just want you to be aware of the risks.”
I’ve considered it over the past two weeks. I’m confident in this course of action, willing to move forward and let the chips fall where they may.
Reagan leans back in her chair and steeples her fingers. I can see her deep in thought for a few moments. “We’ll back you, Arizona. We owe you that much for everything you’vedone for this team. If they come after you, we’ll underwrite your losses. You have my word.”
My eyes widen. “Wow. That’s very generous. It could be a lot of money.”
She shrugs. “I’m pretty sure I’ll benefit greatly from your plan. There’s no reward without a little risk. I’ll roll the dice with you.” She winks. “We’re in this together.”
Tonight is the first big promotional event for Fantasy Suits. We’re in Los Angeles. They’re going over the top with a huge party to celebrate the first few ads, which dropped this week. They look good, but not as good as theSports Illustratedcover of Layton and me. Butch and I simply don’t have the chemistry that Layton and I share. There are certain things you just can’t fake.