Page 140 of Double Play

On some level, Fantasy Suits must now realize that they should have waited a few months for Layton to heal. The ads would have been so much hotter. Layton and I sizzle on and off the pages. We always have. There’s no denying that.

Layton begged the doctors to take his cast off a few days early, wanting to be at his best for tonight. The doctors acquiesced on the condition that if the x-ray didn’t show complete healing, they’d get to put a new cast back on.

He agreed, and fortunately, the x-ray showed that he was completely healed. He’s walking with a cane now, which should only last a few weeks as he regains muscle and agility in the leg.

At the allotted time, Butch knocks on my hotel door. I stand to answer it, but Layton holds up his hand. “Allow me.”

I blow him a kiss, knowing how much he’s been anticipating this moment. Maybe even more than I have. “Go right ahead.”

Layton opens the door, looking ridiculously handsome in his tuxedo, with a huge smile on his face. “Hey, Butch. We’ll be ready in a moment.”

The look on Butch’s face is priceless. Shock isn’t a big enough word.

“Umm, I don’t think you should come, Lancaster. I wouldn’t want Arizona to have issues with her contract.”

Layton winks. “You let us worry about that.” He turns back to me. “Sunshine? You ready?”

“I am, superstar.”

I stand in my long, revealing red gown, picked by the executives at Fantasy Suits. It’s not as special as a Bouvier design, but I don’t mind it too much. It’s very flattering and Layton seems to be enjoying it. He can tear it off my body later if he wants. I don’t care if it gets ruined.

He takes my hand in his and kisses it. “You look radiant. Edible.” I see pure hunger in his eyes. Yep, this dress is getting torn off me later. I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it, but that’s nothing new for me when I’m around Layton. He always gives me butterflies in my stomach.

I flash Layton a playful smile, and then purposefully give Butch a fake one. “Butch. Let’s get this over with. Layton wants to devour me. I don’t like to keep him waiting.”

Layton loudly whispers so Butch can hear, “I’m definitely ripping this off you later.”

I giggle as we head down the elevator and out of our hotel.

The three of us sit in the limo on the way to the venue. Butch is deliciously, awkwardly silent, typing away on hisphone. Layton and I make googly eyes at each other, whispering and laughing the whole time. His hands haven’t left my body. Hands that have the green light to do as they please to me. I catch Butch glancing at Layton’s hands on me a few times. Yep, buddy, this is what it looks like when a woman wants to be touched by a man. Take note.

The limo arrives at the site of the event. I see Michael Longley standing there, impatiently waiting. He’s pacing with a worried look on his face. A frantic look. Butch must have given him the heads-up that Layton is here. We couldn’t have scripted this any better.

The limo door is opened before the vehicle even stops. Michael practically dives in. Pointing at Layton but looking at me, he shouts, “He can’t be here! This is a breach of your contract. We’ll sue you for every penny you have and every penny you’ll ever earn.”

I maintain a calm demeanor, having played this moment over and over in my mind for more than a month. I want to word it perfectly. “Can you tell meexactlywhat the breach is?”

His eyes widen in frustration. “You know damn well it’s the Boyfriend Clause.Wechoose your boyfriend. You can’t appear in public with any other boyfriends for two more months and you know it!”

“I’m well aware of that. I’m here with Butch, your chosen boyfriend. I’m happy to attend anything you’d like me to attend with him. I haven’t gone back on that in the slightest.”

“Layton can’t be here as your boyfriend!”

I deadpan, “He’s not.”

Michael sighs in annoyance. “He’s right here. I’m not blind.”

“I’m sorry. You misunderstood me. He’s not myboyfriend. He’s myhusband. I’ve run your wording by several attorneys. It’s clear that I can’t publicly have anotherboyfriend, you wereveryspecific about that language in the contract, maybe a littletoospecific. Michael, you know as well as I do that there’s no language about ahusband. Oh, and can you please change my name on all the promotional materials? I now go by Arizona Abbott Lancaster. Or Mrs. Layton Lancaster. Whichever you prefer is fine with me.”

I give him a huge smile. One I’ve been sitting on for weeks as this plan and this precise moment took shape in my mind.

Michael’s face drops. He knows we’ve got him. There’s nothing he can do. His look of defeat tells me that no lawsuit is coming my way. He poorly worded the contract and now he’ll have to live with the ramifications.

Layton takes my hand and kisses my rings, making them obvious to both Michael and Butch. “Mrs. Lancaster, shall we?” He turns to Butch. “You can take her right arm. That’s for the boyfriend. The left is all mine. The husband.”

I was nervous to suggest marriage that day in Reagan’s office. I wasn’t sure if Layton was ready for it. I was wrong.Verywrong. He was more than ready. He agreed in under two seconds and then immediately took me to his apartment, where a ring was already waiting. He got down on one knee to officially propose. Well, he got down as best he could with his cast. It was kind of adorable watching his determination to get down on his knee. The fact that he had already purchased the ring set my mind at immediate ease. The fact that he had already asked for blessings from both Quincy and my father was everything.

He told me of his original plan to propose in Thailand. I’m sad we didn’t have our special moment there, but we’ve got a lifetime of memories to make.