Page 134 of Double Play

I make myself dinner and get ready for Arizona’s call when she lands in Hawaii. Her time zones are getting closer and closer. The end is near.

My phone rings and I see that it’s Frederick from the front desk. “Hi, Frederick.”

“Splendid evening, Master Lancaster. I hope I’m not disturbing your peaceful slumber. There’s a Tanner Montgomery who wishes to have a visit with you. I suggested it was a late hour for a house call, but he insisted I ring you promptly.”

I can’t help but smile at his formality. “Thanks, Frederick. Send him up.”

This is unexpected. I wonder why he’s here. It’s not that late, but it’s also not normal for Tanner to come by at nine in the evening.

A few minutes later, he walks in and smiles. “Glad to see you dressed and showered. That’s progress.” He looks around. “And no smelly old takeout boxes. Even better.”

I roll my eyes. “I had a pity party for a month. I’m getting it together now. Arizona will be home in two weeks.” I point to my cast. “This monstrosity comes off two weeks later. I’m counting the seconds until both happen.”

“You start physical therapy right away, right?”

“As long as the x-rays show that I’m healed, yes.”

“Great. Are you going to try to get back into game shape?”

I shrug. “I’m not sure what I want. I held on tight to the Cougars for so long because it was the only family I had. I’m starting to see things a little differently now. Maybe there will be life for me after baseball.”

He smiles. “I couldn’t agree more.” He grabs my jacket off the coat rack and throws it at me. “Put this on. We’re going on a little field trip.”

“Where to? It’s late.”

“What are you, eighty years old? You sound like Mr. Pole In My Ass Frederick. It’s just after nine. You’re fine. I have a surprise for you.”

“A good surprise?”

He smirks. “I’m more than confident that you’ll like it.”

He mentions that he’s parked out front, so we head out through the lobby. I notice Frederick’s back to us, and he’s on the phone. In the heaviest South Philly accent I’ve ever heard, he says, “Yas, ma. I heard yous. Drink a little wooder and eat a begel. Yous feels better. I’ll stop by after dis fuckin’ stoopid ass job.”

Tanner and I look at each other in astonishment. Is that Frederick’s normal voice? What the fuck?

We both start laughing hysterically. Frederick turns around and looks at us wide-eyed. He knows he’s been busted.

He straightens his back and speaks into his phone. “Good day, Mother.”

He lifts his head. “Pleasant evening, Master Lancaster.”

I smile as I shake my head. “You’re so busted, Frederick. Are you from South Philly?”

His face and shoulders drop. “Yas. No ones wood hire me wit my accent, so I created a new persons.”

I nod in understanding. “It’s cool. Please be yourself around me. I’ll miss the stuffy Mr. Carson though. Maybe bring him back now and then, but moving forward, I want the real Frederick.”

He slowly nods. “It’s…umm…it’s Freddie. Yous can call me Freddie.”

I smile. “Will do.”

We make our way out to Tanner’s car and start driving. At some point, it’s apparent that we’re heading toward the stadium. “Are you making me clear out my locker already? I haven’t officially decided that I’m retiring.”

He lets out a laugh. “Not quite yet.”

He pulls up to the executive entrance. I see a small light on in the lobby. The entire stadium is otherwise dark. He grabs my crutches for me and helps me out of the car. “Head on in. There’s someone waiting for you.”

“Are you going to stay out here and wait for me?”