Page 135 of Double Play

“Just go, man.”

With my crutches in toe, I make my way inside. The door to the building closes behind me. It’s completely quiet and looks empty. I shout, “Hello? Is anyone here?”

As if in a dream, Arizona appears from around the corner. She’s wearing jeans and her#lovedbylaytonjersey. I suck in air before breathing, “Arizona?” Blinking a few times, I ask, “Is this real? Am I hallucinating?”

She smiles. Her unique, larger-than-life Arizona smile. My whole fucking heart practically explodes in happiness.

She starts running toward me. I want her to jump into my arms, but I know she won’t because of my leg. She stops just as our bodies touch for the first time in six weeks. I immediately feel mine come back to life at the simple physical contact with her.

Her hands move up my chest as she looks up at me with tears in her blue-green eyes. “I’ve missed you.”

Before I can answer, her lips meet mine in thesweetest, most perfect kiss that has ever been. I drop my crutches and take her into my arms.

Her soft lips are on mine. I inhale her. My body’s reaction is involuntary. I feel it in every nerve ending. I need her scent like I need oxygen.

Our tongues meet and I get to taste her for the first time in what feels like forever. It’s everything.

We kiss and kiss and kiss. Time goes by and neither of us stops. We just keep kissing like the starved lovers we’ve been. Her fingers run through my hair, mine up and down her body, touching everywhere I can reach.

When the time comes to break apart, we don’t go far. Our foreheads remain together. The wetness I thought was her tears is a mixture of both of our tears.

“How are you here? I’m still worried that this is a dream.” I look around and yell, “Cheetah, are you here pranking me? Did you drug my dinner to make me hallucinate this?”

She lets out a small giggle. “I promise it’s really me. They gave us forty-eight hours off. Some kind of equipment issue. We got the extra day while they wait for the replacement to be delivered so I jumped on the first plane available.”

“It’s a fifteen-hour flight.”

“I’d gladly fly thirty hours to spend eighteen with you.”

I pull her body as close to mine as I can. “I’d do it to spend one minute with you. I missed you so fucking much.”

“I missed you too.”

“It was like missing a part of my body that I need to survive.”

She nods in understanding as she looks me up anddown. “You know, gray sweatpants are the Achilles heel of every woman on this planet. It’s an unwritten, secret law.”

The corners of my mouth raise as I make a mental note to order more gray sweatpants. “Is ityourAchilles heel?”

“Every inch of you is my Achilles heel.”

I run my hands under the back of her shirt. “Why are we here at the stadium and not home in my bed? I need your skin on mine.”

She pulls her head away slightly and gives me her sexy smile. The one where I know that my dirty girl is here and that I’m about to experience unimaginable levels of pleasure. “Follow me, superstar.”

“I’d follow you anywhere.” I pick up my crutches and we make our way through the stadium and onto the field. I see a pile of blankets and pillows by home plate. I look at her in bemusement.

She bites her lip. “I think we have a little fantasy we’d both like to see play out at home plate. A certain promise I made a few months ago.”

My cock practically pokes a hole in my sweatpants. She takes immediate notice. “I thought you’d like that.”

“I like anything with you.”

When we get to home plate, she turns to me. “Dance with me, superstar. Just one dance.”

I nod as she presses a button on her phone. “Until I Found You” immediately starts playing. Knowing she had this planned brings more tears to my eyes. I’m such a mush for this woman.

I drop my crutches again and take my girl into my arms as we sway to the beat of the song we danced to on the night we met.