Page 129 of Double Play

“She said you weren’t doing well and that you might need to talk to me.”

I’m such a dick. She’s over there away from her family and friends, worrying about me, making sure I’m taken care of, and I can’t be bothered to take her call. I don’t deserve this woman, but I’m not letting her go.

“I was planning to see you in a few hours at Q’s. You’re still coming, right?”

“Yes. I just thought it might mean more to you if Icame here. I…I know how much this place and these kids mean to you. I want to try to understand it.”

I hug him. I know this is a big deal for him. “Itdoesmean a lot to me that you’re here. I think it’s a great first step for you.”

“It is. But I realized that our relationship has always been about you taking care of me. You’re clearly hurting right now. I want to be here for you too.”

“I’m okay.”

“You’re not okay, and I want you to know that you can talk to me just like I sometimes need to talk to you. You don’t have to pretend everything is perfect in front of me. That’s how it’s supposed to work for family, right?”

I nod. “You’re right.”

“And I want to give you the advice you’ve often given me. Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned. You can’t let it get you down. You can’t let it push you into a black hole of despair.”

I smile. “Youdolisten.”

“Sometimes. But I’m being serious. I know what it’s like to feel lonely, like the cards are stacked against you.”

I nod. “I think that’s how I feel. In some way, I’ve always felt it. I’ve been holding onto the Cougars because it was my family. Then this warm, kind, wonderful…”


I let out a laugh. “Hot woman came into my life. She filled it with everything I could ever want. And then I broke my leg and felt like I could lose her. It gutted me. I haven’t handled myself well.”

He takes in what I’m saying. “I clearly don’t know dick about women, but I’m pretty sure this one isn’t going anywhere.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Layton, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m not sure I’ve ever truly thanked you.”

I place my hand on his shoulder. “It’s been my pleasure. Can I introduce you to everyone? Can I give them a little background?”

He tentatively nods so I grab his arm, we walk inside, and we sit on the sofa together.

“Can you all gather around? I want to introduce you to my special friend.”

They sit on the ground in front of us and I begin. “I think most of you know that, like you guys, my parents couldn’t raise me. I lived with my grandmother throughout almost all of my childhood until I moved to Philadelphia to play for the Cougars.”

Randy gives the Cougars claw and growls.

Henry laughs.

I continue. “My grandmother…”

Henry interrupts, “We called her Gammie.”

I nod. “Yes, Gammie. Like Linda, she loved to take care of special children like you and me. Henry was also one of those special children. Yes, he’s a little younger than me…”

Henry interrupts, “A lot younger,” and all the kids giggle.

I smile. “Yes, he’sa lotyounger than me, but he and I became really good friends. When I was able to, I moved Henry to Philadelphia so he could be near me. Because even though we’re not related by blood, Henry is like a brother to me.”

Henry’s eyes start to tear.